Your first fight

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"I can't believe you would say such a thing to Elizabeth!" Ciel yells at you angrily. Elizabeth stands by his desk snickering as you and your boyfriend fight.
You glare at him, "She's the one who called me a slut first!".
Ciel slams his fist on his desk, "You're lying to me! Why do you always have to lie?! Ha I guess that's what I get for dating a bitch like you" he shouts at you.
Your eyes filled with tears you put your head down then say, "Whatever, believe her all you want. But I think that the problem in our relationship is that you're just a jackass.." you stormed out off his office.
Sebastian steps into Ciel's office, "My lord..I don't want to get in the middle yours and (reader)'s fight, but Elizabeth was the one who started it. She was saying very horrible things to (reader)" he bows his head then leaves the room.
Ciel looks at Lizzy, "Is that true?".
Lizzy trembled with fear, "Um OF COURSE NOT! HAHA WHY WOULD YOU BELIEVE YOUR BUTLER OVER ME?!" she starts to cry.
Ciel gets up from his desk chair, "Get out of my manner and DON'T COME BY! YOU COULD HAVE JUST RUINED ME AND (READER)'S REATIONSHIP!" Ciel screams at her.
He storms out of his office trying to find you, Ciel opens the door to your bedroom. He see's you sitting on the bed crying. He slowly approaches you, Ciel sits on the bed and hugs you.
"I'm sorry honey, I should have believed you..I shouldn't have called you a bitch" he puts his head on top of yours.
You were silent as you hugged him back, you finally spoke up "Is she coming back here again? I heard you yelling at her" you bury your face in his chest.
"No, if she has a problem with you then she has a problem with me and (reader)....I love you..even if some people don't aprove of our relationship" Ciel strokes your hair.
"I love you too boo" you grin at him.
After 5 minutes of talking about your fight, you guys cuddled tell you both fell asleep.


"Make me food" Alois stares at you as you read your book.
You look up from your book, "Um excuse me?".
Alois walks over and slams your book closed, "I said make me some food bitch!" He yells at you.
You stand up, then put your hands your hips, "I'm not your maid, you dick. Go walk your fatass down stairs and stuck your face with pancakes or a sandwich!!" You glare at him.
Alois narrows his eyes at you, "Hmm.. maybe you should go work out after too" he looks you up and down "You need your fair share of exercise, SO GO WALK YOUR HAPPY ASS TO THE KITCH-" you slap him before he could finish his sentence .
"DON'T EVER TALK TO ME LIKE THAT AGAIN YOU CUNT!!" Right before you were about leave the room, your heard him whimpering while holding his cheek.
Your eyes look down to the ground, "I'm sorry I slapped you honey" you walk over to Alois, then hug him.
Alois hugs back, "No, I should be the one saying sorry. I didn't mean anything I said, I was just being stupid again" He kisses your forehead.
You sigh hugging him tighter, "It's okay my love".
Alois smiles, he then takes your face leaving small kisses all over your face, "I love you my angel".
You giggle, "I love you too, devil" you kiss his nose.
After you guys just told Claude to make you food -_-


You slammed your bedroom door closed, you were tired of it. You knew it was selfish to feel this way but,you couldn't stop it. You were jealous of Ciel. He gets to order and talk to Sebastian all day while you have to stay up late at night just to see him.
Sebastian walks into your room, "What the hell (reader)! I told you to wait in the manner while I tended to Ciel! Why did you just go home without saying goodbye?!" Hid eyes were filled with anger.
"Why do you care?! Why don't you go back and take care of Ciel?!" You yelled at him.
Sebastian glares at you, "You already know why I take care of Ciel! So why are you saying such things?!" He yells.
You look down, tears streaming down your cheeks, "Nothing..I'm just being selfish" you sat on the edge on your bed.
Sebastian walks to stand in front of you, "How are you're being selfish?" He gently grabs your face, wiping your tears away.
"Well....I just want to spend time with you, but you're always busy with something.." you whimper tears still coming from your eyes.
Sebastian looks down at you sadly, "I know I feel that way too..maybe I can get Tanaka to work on Fridays, Saturdays, and maybe Sundays. I don't want you to be sad or lonely" he hugs you tightly.
You smile while hugging him back. You whisper to him, "Thank you". After your first fight, you began to spend more time together. Because of that your relationship got stronger and stronger.


(Remember Donald is my OC, just thought I should remind you)
Grell grabbed Donald's arm and threw him out of your office. He slams the door closed, then turns to look at you.
Your face turns red with anger, "HE'S MY FRIEND NOTHING MORE. WHY ARE YOU SO WORRIED ABOUT IT?!" You scream back.
Grell turns away, "He's better than me isn't he....I should have been more of a caring boyfriend..I love you so much but I wasn't good enough for you..".
Tears flow down his cheeks, all you could do is stare at him.
"Grell..he's gay....I already told you that before. Why would you think that you're not good enough for me? I feel like the luckiest girl that you chose me over any other girl" you walk over and hug him, "No guy is better than you, my little reaper".
You kiss him cheek, he immediately stopped crying. Grell grabs your hand then chuckles.
"Hm, I'm going take you out for lunch..then when we get home your going to be my desert" he winks.
You cross your arms, "Um no desert for you tell you say you're sorry to Donald!".
Grell groans then leaves your office to find Donald.

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