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Hello everyone! As you can tell I have not update a little while, I sincerely apologize for the lack of updates. But, I have been having some issues of my own that I would like to tell you guys about.
Since the beginning of this school year for me I have been having these boys pick on me. I have had one of them threaten to beat my ass multiple times. Another one put a big wad of caramel on the side of my backpack. I also had another boy try to throw a chair at my head, thankfully he missed me. I have been having trouble with how I feel about myself for a long time, and I actually gotten back into my depressed state.
I reached out for help with the assistant principal of my school she basically told me that it was my fault that those boys were doing these things were happening to me. I was afraid for my own safety and, she sent me back in that classroom with them. She knew that I was afraid, but she decided not to do anything about it. The only way I had anyone help me was when my mother went down to that school and threw a fit.
I missed so much days of school, because this issue and no one has helped me tell now. This has been going on since September of last year. I have been hurt and bullied my entire life, this is the first time the school district has done anything about it. The school changed all three of the boys schedules, but that does not resolve much. I am still scarred from all the things that I had to go through. I feel like I will probably never recover mentally from everything I've been through.
Right now with the actual principal of my school he is doubting everything I told him. He feels that I should have reached out before and it would have been better. But really that's not the case, if I would have reached out before everything still would have gone to shit. The boys would still be trying to hurt me, so by them just changing their schedule that's only hurting me even more. I was too afraid to reach out and tell. I see them in the halls every single day and I'm still afraid.
I do think about what those boys could have been through; that would have caused them to want to put me through so much pain. They may have been hurt before, they should deserve some type of help. No one should condone that behavior; They did do lots of bad things, but someone should at least try to see what the source of their problems are. So they won't take it out on other students like me. Maybe by helping them with their mental issues and past events in their lives. They will learn that what they did was very wrong and stop what they are doing.
It may be easier said than done, but I feel like they just want someone to listen. Or maybe they want take their anger out on someone weaker.

To people who are being bullied right now,
Find help. If you think that no one is going to listen throw a fit make them listen, if no one else will listen I'll listen. No one deserves to feel like they aren't worthy of going to school everyday or feel like you aren't good enough. Because more than likely those people who are hurting you so much they won't matter later in life. 10 or 15 years from now you are going to be their boss. You will move on to better things, while they are left in dust. Don't let their childish games, hold you back from a better future. You are intelligent, you are amazing, and you are beautiful inside and out. You are going to have an amazing future, if you just put keep your mind on your goals in life. Please if you know someone who is being bullied, share this with them. Let them know that you care how they feel every single day. You will move to better things.

- M


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