When you find out he's cutting

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"We're not a real man if you cut" He heard this term bring used so many times. People never understood his feelings. Even if the person was his best friend. No one understands. Yes, he did hurt himself, but it wasn't for the reasons people think. "You only want attention, right?", "Is it because, you're an emo fag?". No. Those were not the reasons he did those horrible things to himself. And he would never tell another living soul what he has been through. That is tell he met me. He never thought no one could understand, yet he opened up so much to me. Telling me all his happy and sad stories, telling me facts about himself that no one could guess about him (like how he use to take ballet lessons), and after a few months he actually let me hug and touch him. I'm glad, he finally opened up but my journey with him is not over yet - Maddy

(The beginning of each scenario will be the same, but with different endings- Maddy)


You held his wrist as blood streamed down to his palm. With tears in your eyes you walk over to the sink, to get a cold wash cloth and some disinfectant wipes. You walk back over to Ciel and began cleaning all his fresh cuts.
"H-how long?" You say, your voice cracks as you let your tears leave your eyes.
Ciel stares at the ground quietly, not letting himself look into your eyes. You stop cleaning his cuts, and look at Ciel who was on the verge of crying like you.
"About..4 months now" Ciel starts sobbing, engulfing you into a large bear hug.
You put your head on his shoulder and closed your eyes.
"I love you, Ciel. And I'm going do everything in my power to help you get through this" You whispered into his ear and gently kissed it.
"Thank you (Y/N)" Ciel pulls away from the hug and kisses your cheek.


You held his wrist as blood streamed down to his palm. With tears in your eyes you walk over to the sink, to get a cold wash cloth and some disinfectant wipes. You walk back over to Alois and began cleaning all his fresh cuts. Alois pushed you away slowly getting up from the bathroom floor.
"Go wait in the bedroom while I finish what I started" Alois says, trying to push you out of the bathroom.
"No!" You forcefully hug him and don't let go of him.
Alois stays still for a second before hugging back, "W-why won't you leave?" His voice cracks while tears starting welding in his eyes.
"Because I love and care about you. I don't want to see you in pain" You respond as look up at him.
He sits down on bathroom counter and let's you finish cleaning his cuts.
"Angel..can you please help me stop this?" Alois kisses your forehead.
You nod smiling, "Yes I will honey" you gently kiss his nose.


You held his wrist as blood streamed down to his palm. With tears in your eyes you walk over to the sink, to get a cold wash cloth and some disinfectant wipes. You walk back over to Sebastian and began cleaning all his fresh cuts. He winced as the liquid on the disinfectant wipe gently made his cuts sting. You continue cleaning his wounds as you cry quietly. But, you guys both kept your voice silenced through out the whole process. You began putting bandages on the cuts and sighed.
"Why did you do this to yourself?" You say, your voice was a little bit shaky.
"I wanted the pain to go away" Sebastian gently kissed your forehead.
"Can I please try to help you stop?..please I don't want you to be in pain anymore" You say, hugging him tightly.
"Hm...yes you can try to get me help, my child" Sebastian says hugging back while slowly rubbing your back.
"I'll do anything to help you" You dig your face into his neck and began thinking of things that could help him stop.


You held his wrist as blood streamed down to his palm. With tears in your eyes you walk over to the sink, to get a cold wash cloth and some disinfectant wipes. You walk back over to Grell and began cleaning all his fresh cuts. You sat in front of him began crying. He looks towards your direction, then closes his eyes and began crying too.
"You weren't supposed to know, honey" Grell says, staring at his scarred arms.
"So, this is why you never take your jacket off anymore?" You apply some bandages on his arms still crying.
Grell slowly nods, staring at your shaking hands.
"Please don't hurt yourself again..Please" You pulling him into a hug.
"Mm..can you help me? I don't think I can do it alone" Grell says, hugging back.
"Oh course I will help you babe.." You pull away from the hug then give him a soft kiss.

--(Important message for male self harms or anyone who wants to read this:
Just because, you are guy doesn't make less important than any girl cutter. Just because, you cut doesn't mean you're any less than any other man or women. Being emotional is okay. Being different from everyone else is okay. It doesn't make you any less of a person. It doesn't make you weak. I accept anyone who hurts themselves, is suicidal, likes any type of of gender. If some of you guys haven't noticed yet, I use to cut. I'm about 2 or 3 years clean now. I feel comfortable with letting you guys now that about myself. Because, for any of the self harms who are reading this. Just know, you're not alone. It will get better someday. I am here for anyone who needs help. But. I do not tolerate people who think that they know everything about everyone. It's not okay, if you say someone just wants attention if they cut. People will never really truly understand unless they do it currently, or tried it before. So it doesn't give them the right to judge you or anyone else for doing that to yourself. Remember I'm here if any of you need to just let some stuff. I will always be here, no matter what)--

Thank you for reading this chspter. Right now, I'm crying because of so many things. So, goodnight my loves - Me

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