A letter

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Emma sat in her room. It was past midnight and she was crying ever since she heard the news of what would happen to Killian. She left him to protect him, only to find either way his death would make an appearance. "Oh Killian, I am so sorry!" She cried.
She looked out her window and saw the ocean from a distance, she immediately thought about her and Killian's adventures and how they fell in love. Emma quickly shook the thoughts out of her head, "Emma don't think about that. You've broke his heart!" She thought to herself thinking of her pirate on the Jolly Roger drinking his rum and locking himself away.
"Emma? Why are you still up?" Emma turned to see her mother at the door. Snow noticed her daughter was crying and walked over to her "Emma, what's wrong?" She asked sitting beside her daughter. "Nothing" replied Emma wiping the tears away. Snow shook her head "Emma, you're crying so something is up!" Emma fought with herself on rather or not to tell her mother about how she fell in love with Killian. "Emma, does this have anything to do with you having to marry Eric?" Emma decided she would just tell her mother that that was the problem.
"Yes" Snow wrapped an arm around her daughter "Emma, I am so sorry you have to marry him! I understand that you probably want to fall in love with someone and marry him. But it can't happen" she told her. Emma put her head on her mothers shoulder. "Mum, when do I have to marry him?" "The day after tomorrow darling." Emma got up quickly "what!?" Snow still sat on the bed "Emma, the dark one is going to set this curse unless you marry Eric as soon as possible!" Emma couldn't believe it. She was only home and already she was to marry Eric! "You may go now" she said leading her mother to the door. "Emma, please hear me out! I'm your mother." Emma looked her in the face "I don't care" she replied coldly, and with that Snow walked out of the room.
Emma collapsed onto the bed crying her heart out. She sat up slowly wiping away her tears. She walked over to her desk and lifted a piece of paper and a quill. She began to write a letter. Within 5 minutes of writing she wrapped the note up and walked towards her window. A bird flew over and stopped to sit on her window ceil, "take this note to Killian Jones" she said giving the bird the note. The bird then flew off with it, hopefully this would reach him.
Emma lay back on her bed. "Killian please get my letter...please..please" she pleaded before she fell asleep.

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