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Emma soon arrived at the castle. A million thoughts went through her mind. She was about to see her family again, she should be happy but she wasn't. She knew that once she stepped through the palace doors, that she would be trapped in a life that she could not escape from.
Emma approached the gates, but was soon stopped by a guard. "Princess Emma.....is that you?" He asked with a shocked expression. "Yes, it's me" she said with a sad smile. The guard guided Emma into the castle, leading her to the Thorne room. "Your majesty's the princess has returned!" Emma looked up to her parents. They looked as if they hadn't slept since she went missing. She felt so guilty for putting her parents through such a tiff time.
Snow jumped out of her seat and ran towards Emma followed by Charming. "Emma is that you" they cried, Emma nodded her head "yes it's me" they embraced her with a warm hug. She was home, she was in her parents arms. But she didn't feel right. She knew why she didn't, but she couldn't tell her parents.
"Emma..where have you been all this time?" Her mother questioned her slowing moving from the hug. Emma's mouth opened but not a word came out of it. She couldn't tell them about Killian because if they ever found out she fell in love with a pirate....well that consequence was something to horrible to imagine. "Emma...answer your mother" Emma looked back and forth to her parents. What could she say?
"I can tell you where she's been" said a voice from behind her. It was Eric....oh no Emma thought to herself. This was it. Eric would tell them about her and Killian. But maybe he didn't see them together. But still either way, he would be hurt in some way!
"Eric" said snow. "You know about where our daughter has been?" Eric approached them. He looked into Emma and smiled wickedly at her. 'Oh no, he knows about her and Killian" she thought.
"Well your majesty's your daughter was kidnapped. By the fearsome Captain Hook." Her parents went to shock "Emma! Oh my god are you alright?!" They cried pulling her into a tight hug. "Yeah...I'm fine" her parents slowly moved away from the hug. Charming placed a hand on Eric's shoulder "Eric I can't tell you how happy I am, you were able to find out what happened to her. You will make an amazing husband to my daughter" Eric smiled and walked beside Emma holding her hand. Emma turned to her father. "Dad...what will happen to Kil-Hook?" She asked her father worried. Charming and Snow looked at each other. Slowly charming turned away from Snow to face his daughter. "Well Emma......Hook is the most feared pirate in our land. And he did kidnap you....so what will happen to him is what he deserves for his crimes" replied her father. Emma asked again about his price.
"Emma....we're going to kill him"

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