Return To Pallet

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  Return to Pallet

After Ash won the Kalos League he was immediately swarmed by reporters, all asking him about his future plans, how the battle was, how his pokemon were, etc. Ash answered a few questions, then saw his friends and girlfriend and he pushed through the reporters to reach them.

"Ash I'm so proud of you, you won your first league." Serena said to her love. "Yes Ash that was quite a battle." Clemont added. "Yeah Ash, you're awesome.!" Screamed Bonnie. "Wow thanks guys, I'm so lucky to have friends and a girlfriend who are so supportive." Replied Ash as him and the gang walked to the Pokemon Center.

When they got to the Pokemon Center there attention was caught by the TV. It was Serena's mother she was in a the Lumiose Rhyhorn Race. She had just won and had retaken the title of number one Rhyhorn racer in Kalos. When the friends saw this they all began to cheer and congratulate Serena on her mother's achievement. Later Serena called her mom to congratulate her and Ash called his mother as well to tell her the great news.

After the phone calls ended, the friends and the young lovers began celebrating all the great things that had happened recently. They couldn't have been happier they celebrated all night until the other people in the Pokemon Center started to complain.

The next morning Ash and Serena were swarmed by reporters. They had received the nickname "King and Queen of Kalos" and spent most of the day answering reporters and posing for pictures. Night finally came and the last of the reporters had left but had mentioned that they'll be back. Ash and Serena were beat they never knew being famous was so hard. "Man I don't think I can deal with this constantly." Ash said to Serena. "Me neither, honestly I liked it better when we weren't so famous." Replied Serena. "Yeah but what can we do I'm the Kalos League champ and your the number one Pokemon Performer we deserve this." Ash said smiling at Serena. "I know but now there's gonna be reporters following us everywhere, what will we do about that?" Serena asked her boyfriend.

"Well I don't know but we'll figure it out, let's just get some sleep." Ash replied to Serena. The two kissed goodnight and went to sleep. The next day was more of the same, reporters, photo ops, and interviews. But Ash and Serena did notice something another group of reporters surrounding someone else and they were getting close to them.
"Hey, you two long time, no see." Said a female voice as Ash and Serena turned around. It was Serena's mother she seemed to be having similar problems to Ash and Serena with her reclaimed fame.

Night came and Serena and her mother were having a talk with Ash eavesdropping. "Look Serena I hate to say this but we can't stay in Kalos, with our new fame we can never have a normal life and the only way to get away from this is to leave." Serena's mother said to her daughter. "But mom where will we go? Serena asked. "I don't know maybe-" but she was cut off by Ash saying "How bout Pallet Town in Kanto.?" "Ash were you listening to our conversation?!" Serena replied yelling at Ash. "No Serena don't be mad at him, I've heard of Pallet Town and it seems like a lovely place." Her mother replied. "So we're moving to Pallet then?" Serena asked excitingly. "Yes, yes it does." Her mother replied.
Serena jumped up and screamed as she hugged Ash and said to him "Ash this is great we're going to be neighbors!" "I know this is awesome, you'll love Pallet!" Ash replied to his love.

'Later that week'

All the stuff from Serena's house had been packed away and had been put on the moving plane. Serena, her mother and Ash were boarding the plane after they had a thoughtful and tearful goodbye to Clemont and Boonie. They were off twelve hours from now they'd be in Pallet.

'Twelve hours later'

They landed in Pallet, got there bags and got a huge welcoming from Ash's mother, Gary, Professor Oak,Tracey and Mr.Mime. They all hugged as Ash introduced them to Serena and her mother. "Oh so your the lovely girl my little man has told me so much about." Said Mrs.Ketchum "Mom, you're embarrassing me." Yelled Ash as Serena giggled.
They got back to Ash's house and had a huge celebration for the return of Ash, the new neighbors, and all there accomplishments. As it got later Tracey and Gary had gone home and Serena's mother went to go see the new house. Mr. Mime and Mrs.Ketchum were cleaning up and Professor Oak was talking to Ash. "Ash I'm very impressed with you, you're truly becoming a Pokemon master." Said the professor. "Thanks Professor." Replied Ash. "Come with me Ash I have something to show you." Said the Professor. Ash walked with him, as he was walking out the door he said " Mom, Serena I'll be back, Professor Oak is showing me something."

They walked about ten minutes and came to a building. "Oh my Arceus, Professor are you serious?" Asked Ash. "Yes Ash, I am." Replied the Pokemon professor.

A/N: Sorry for taking so long for updating but I've been busy. But by tomorrow I will post another chapter, the finale. And next week I'll be starting a new story, not sure what about yet, it'll either be Pokeshipping, Pikachu x Buneary, or lemons of either Amourshipping or Pokeshipping, maybe both together.

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