The Trio Meet Part 2

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Howard was running down the stairs from a dragon, a ghost teen and his friends.

But that wasn't as scary being chased by Theresa Fowler.

Then Jake picked up Howard up by his foot and dangled him upside down.

"Ok Howard" Theresa said calm but scary, "Tell me, is Randy Cunningham- snickers in background- the Ninja of Norseville".

"Since when is she-" Sam was about to ask, but Tucker cut her off.

"Shh... were all about to see if this young man lives up to the bro-code", Danny and Jake nodded there head in agreement with a smirk on there faces.

"That, and you all thinks she's scary" Sam said with a smirk of her own.

Danny and Jake nodded there head in agreement with anime tears strolling down their face.

"You'll never get me to talk" Howard shouted defiantly.

"Oh really, not even for one pack of McSquittles" she said holding a pack McSquittles.

"No" Howard shouted.

"How about a pack of McSquittles and a bucket of nachos" she said pulling it out of nowhere.

"Where'd she get the bucket of nachos from" Danny whispered to Jake.

He just shrugged.

He hesitantly reached for the bucket causing all the bros there to gasp in shock, and all the bros in the universe, even the evil trio, to look up with suspicion in there eyes thinking the same thing.

'Did someone almost break the code'

Howard pulled away struggling.

"No, no matter what happens, there is no way to get me to talk" Howard said with confidence.

The bros sighed in relief.

"Grave Puncher 5.5: The Lost Grave" was all Theresa had to say to make Howard crack.

"For 800 years Norseville High was protected by a Ninja blah blah blah every four years a new ones chosen blah blah blah Randy Cunningham the new ninja, now GIVE ME GRAVE PUNCHER" Howard said in one breathe.

Theresa handed him the case with a smirk on her face causing Sam to smirk.

All the bros in the universe closed there eyes, shook there heads in silence.

When Howard saw the case, he saw Grave Puncher 5 with .5 drawn on it.

"You tricked me" Howard said with anger in his eyes.

She just shrugged.

"Howard, you ok pal I heard you screaming an-" a voice said behind them.

They turned around and saw Randy Cunningham standing there.

"RUN CUNNINGHAM, RUN" Howard shouted towards him.

Randy ran out as fast as he can.

"I'm on it" Jake said, dropping Howard, and zooming out.

"Not until I get him first" Danny said phasing through the wall.

"Boy's" Theresa complained.

"I know right" Sam agreed.

"Hey" Tucker and Howard protested.


Randy was running from a 7 foot long dragon and a ghost teen.

Luckily he had some Ninja Balls and ninja-rangs in his pocket, and a few spells.

"Smoke Bomb" Randy said throwing the ball at Jake.


"Go Ghost Stinger" Danny said as an ecto-whip like materialized in hand and shot it towards Randy.

It wrapped around Randy, shocking him causing him to fall down.

"Sorry dude I didn't want to do this but-" Danny said but Randy cut him off, chanting,

"When I touch the ground with my bare hand, water will shoot and freeze my enemy at my command"

He touched the ground with his hand and water shot towards Danny and froze him causing the stinger to de-materialize, allowing Randy to escape.

But Jake was right behind him. He use his wings as a fan to blow Randy right into the wall and keeping him there.

"Let's see you use those tricks now" Jake taunted.

Randy struggle to reach into his pocket and pulled out an orange ball and held it out above him.

"Ninja Ricochet Ball" he said over the wind and let it go.

It bounced all over the place until it hit him on his right ear, his weak spot, causing him to power down revealing a 4'7" American Chinese 14 year old.

"Well what do you know" Jake said looking down at himself in shock, "I guess you can use your tricks"

Randy just took off leaving Jake.

He was about to reach the exit until Danny came out of nowhere with ecto-ice covering his entire forearm.

"Oh sh-" Randy was about to say, but Danny knocked him out before he said it.

"Oops" was Danny said.

Jake came around the corner in dragon form.

He see's the knocked out Randy.

"We'll say he got hit by a door" Jake asked.



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