The Trio Meet: Part 1

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As you all know, just when the dragon and the ninja were about to clash, Clockwork stepped in.

"Teenagers" he sighed.

"What do you mean 'teenagers'" a voice said behind the master of time.

Clockwork knew that voice from anywhere.

The Phantom of the Ghost Zone.

Accompanied by his best friend Tucker Foley and *cough* *cough* crush *cough*, Sam Manson.

"Ah, Daniel, thank you for coming on such short notice" Clockwork said.

"It's the least we can do after all you've done for us" said Danny.

"That and we have nothing else to do on a Friday night", Tucker said, causing Sam to elbow him in the ribs.

Meanwhile, Danny was inspecting inspecting the frozen ninja and dragon.

"Ok unfreeze them so we can talk" Danny said to Clockwork.

Clockwork did so, making the heroes fall to the ground.

"Yo, why do I feel like I haven't moved from this exact spot" Jake said.

"I know, right" asked Randy just as confused as the Dragon in front of him.

"Ahem" a voice said above them.

That's when they noticed the ghost boy and his friends standing above them.

They both sprang to their feet and took a defensive stance.

"Who the juice are you" Randy asked.

"One, I'm Danny Phantom and this is Tucker and Sam, two, nobody says that" Danny explained.

"Everybody says that" Randy exclaimed.

"Nobody says that" Jake said.

"Shut it you" Ninja threatened.

"Ok enough of the talking, where's the action" said a male voice behind the trio.

"Shh, Howard, they'll here you" said a female voice.

"TO LATE" The Trio shouted.

The two eavesdropping teens came out revealing a big boned ginger without the freckles and a skinny purple haired teen.

"Howard, Theresa" Randy shouted.

"You know them" Danny asked.

"There, uh, citizens of Norseville" Randy explained.

"Then how do you know them so well" Jake asked suspiciously.

"Just because" was his response.

"Dude, do you stalk them or something" Tucker asked.

"Oh for the love of cheese, no that's my best bro and-" Randy explained.

"Wait 'best bro', the only person I know who say that is... RANDY CUNNINGHAM?!" Theresa exclaimed


"Uhhhhh... SMOKE BOMB" Randy said as he through the smoke bomb to the ground.

Everyone thought the exact same thing.

"Well that was awkward" Clockwork said.

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