Chapter 3

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I waited 45 seconds then peaked out of the door. I didn't know who the guy was, but I did know he was dangerous. I opened the door and peaked outside. Brayan was lying on the floor and the guy was gone. I ran outside to go help him. He was bleeding from his nose, a little from his mouth, and had scrapes all over him.

"I knew I should have called the cops. I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have listened to him. Im going to go get a teacher. They can call the nurse." I started freaking out. Brayan looked pretty bad. As I stood up, Brayan grabbed my arm and stopped me.

"No. Don't. Just help me to my room. I'll be fine." he mumbled.

"You need a doctor! You're bleeding! I can't just put a freaking bandaid on you and fix everything!" I couldn't fathom why he wouldn't let me get a nurse. He looked at me with a serious expression, one he never used. It scared me.

"Please?" was all he said. I stared at him.

"Fine. But if one thing goes wrong, I'm taking you to the nurses. I'm not kidding." I sighed and helped him sit up. He groaned as he moved. I was still nervous about not taking him to see a real doctor. The bell rang and I heard footsteps. I turned around and saw Matt running.

"Damn it! I was so close. At least Ill be in class. Oh hey Anya!" he saw Brayan sitting on the floor and ran over to us. "What the hell happened?" he threw his backpack to the floor and bent down with me and checked out Brayan's wounds.

"I'm fine Matt. Im just going to my room and sleep it off." Brayan mumbled. Matt looked at me and shook his head like he didn't believe Brayan. Matt kept looking at me.

"What happened to him?"

"Some guy beat him up. I don't know who he was. I just came out of the classroom and he was kicking his ass." Brayan looked at me then back to Matt.

"Help me up Matt. I'm fine you two. Just need to relax." Matt and I shared a look. "I'm not kidding."

"I'll take you to your room. Come here." I grabbed his backpack and he put his arm around my shoulders. I helped him walk to his room. Thankfully his dorm was close by, and we were able to sneak by all the yard duties walking around. When we got to his room I helped him to his bed. I heard him groan when he laid down on his bed.

"I'm sorry. Usually my ditch days are more exiting." Brayan weakly smiled at me. He was the kind of guy who would try to make light of a bad situation. I rolled my eyes.

"You didn't plan on some guy beating you up. Its not your fault. Where do you keep your wash clothes?" he looked confused.

"Mini towels right? They're in the 2nd drawer in the bathroom. Why?"

"Cause I have no clue how the hell I'm supposed to sneak ice in here. So instead, I'm giving you a freezing cold washcloth. Take off your shirt." Brayan grabbed my wrist and pulled me close.

"How bout you take off yours first?" he winked at me. But he took off his shirt anyway. I saw he was hit more in his chest and stomach than his face, all of which would have major bruising. I went to the bathroom and got one of the wash clothes wet.

"Put this on your face. It'll help the swelling at least a little bit." he did as i asked him to. I looked at the other places to make sure I really didn't have to have him checked out. He seemed as good as he possible could after a beating, but the brusis were already black.

"I'm just going to take a nap. I'll be fine when I wake up. Trust me, this is nothing." the last line made me nervous. I'd hate to see what his serious was. "Come here. Take a nap with me." I Curled up next to him, making sure I didn't touch any of the brusis. Within minutes he was asleep. I decided I might as well sleep too. Just as I was close to being fully asleep, my phone rang. Without thinking I answered the phone.

"Anya? Where the hell have you been? I've been trying to reach you all day! I thought you had been- never mind. Your mom and I will be over to your school in an hour. Get packed." my dad sounded rushed. "See you soon bye." he hung up. I sat up and realized I was being forced to move. I hated my dad for making me move, especially since this was one of the first times that I had actually started to feel as tho I fit in. I looked at Brayan, he looked like he still was hurting. Besides, I knew if I left he'd get into a hell of a lot of trouble without me. I got up out of the bed and went outside and redialed the number that just called.

"Hello?" my dad answered on the first ring.

"I'm not going with you dad-"

"LIKE HELL YOU'RE NOT! you're coming with us!" he screamed into the phone. I took a deep breath and calmed myself.

"No, I'm not. Not unless you give me a good reason." I said as though I was commenting on the weather.

"You're not safe. I can't explain right now, but please trust me."

"Why am I not safe?" I was worried until my dad said "I can't tell you."

"I- I'm not going. If you can't tell me why, I'm staying. I don't care what you say. Love you, bye." I hung up. When I turned around I saw Matt* in the doorway. I ran back to him.

"What are you doing out of bed? Shouldn't you be asleep?" I was still thinking about what I just told my dad. He was going to be pissed. I had never talked back to him, and now all of a sudden I was completely shutting him out. "Go lie down. I'll be right back." I turned to go, but Brayan grabbed my arm and wouldn't let me go anywhere.

"What's going on?" he pulled me close and put his arm around my waist so I couldn't get away.

"Nothing. But time is of the essence right now." I was starting to get nervous. Though my dad was an hour away, with his driving it'd take about 35 minutes. I wanted to hurry up and disappear before my dad was even close. But Brayan just looked at me. He still looked tired. "Ugh. Fine. My dad wants me to move again, and I told him no. I just, I think just kinda cut him out of my life. I was just tired of this shit with the moving. But unless you want me to go with my dad, I need to go and grab all my crap from room now." wordlessly he gave me a kiss and let me go. There was something in his eye-fear? Anger? I didnt know. "I'll be right back. I swear." and I ran towards my room.

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