Chapter 1

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Abigail's POV
"You slut!"
"Yeah you fucking nasty bitch!!"
"What did you do last night? Hmmm? Suck some guys dick? Fuck him?"
"Awh look the little bitch is crying! Ahaha!!"
"Ladies! Stop this now! Go to class!"
"Are you okay Abigail?" The principal, Mrs. Costello asked while rubbing my back gently.
"Yeah.. I'm used to it."
"I'm sorry Abigail. I'll make sure they get what they deserve."
"That's happened before, but they keep coming back.. It's like they like feeding off of me."
"I know it seems that way, but it will all go away after high school." She pulled me in for a hug. I rested my head on her shoulder and began to cry more.
"Go to class, and get your mind off of everything okay? If you have anymore problems, just come down to my office alright?"
"Okay thank you." I got up, gathered my things, and walked to Psychology.
As I walked in, I saw my friend Johnnie sitting behind were I sit.
"Sup girl." He said sitting up in his chair.
"Just talked to the principal again. Those fuck tards were at it again."
"Yeah their ass hole boyfriends were going at me too."
"This is fucking ridiculous, why do we have to go through this everyday? It's miserable."
"It is, and that's the better way of saying it."
"Alright class! Get your note books out and start writing down what is on the board." Our teacher, Mr. Fuentes said.
I began to write down the notes, I completely forgot I had my headphones in.
"Ms. Abigail, would you like to tell the class what you're listening to?"
"Nothing, they aren't on."
"Well then why do you have them out?"
"Because I forgot to put them away?"
"Alright fine."
I put my headphones away, and started writing the notes again. I loved this class, but it seemed to drag on for eternity.
Me and Johnnie have been friends since Kindergarten. He is like a brother to me, so obviously I wouldn't date him. I mean don't get me wrong, he is cute, but it'd be weird for the both of us. We have had every class together every year, which is good. He can usually get me to calm down when I'm about to kill someone.
Some of my other close friends are Andy Biersack, Josh Dun, Tyler Joesph, and Jake Pitts. I mostly have guy friends as you can tell, no drama, no worries. I have one other girl friend and her name is Juliet Simms. I got her and Andy together and they have been adorable ever since. I'm happy for them.
On other notes, Psychology had ended and it was now time for gym. I was so not ready for this. Gym was the worst class for me, mainly because of all the jocks and preps. Me and Johnnie just keep to ourselves, it's the jocks and preps that come to us.
"Alright everyone! We are just going to walk today! Have fun." Our gym teacher had said.
"Oh thank god, I was not in the mood to do anything else." I said to Johnnie as we made our way around the gym.
"Hey bitch!" I knew that voice anywhere, it was Juliet.
"Sup girlie." I said as she joined us.
"Nothing, just skipping study hall."
"Figured, I thought Andy was in there?"
"He is, but he isn't here today."
"Gotcha. I heard we're getting a new kid."
"I heard that too, but who knows. Maybe he's a prep."
"More likely. And if he isn't I got dibs!!!"
"You need a boyfriend Abigail, you need to loosen up."
"Yeah I know."
"No Abigail, if he's your type, go in for the kill." Johnnie said, butting into our conversation.
"Ugh fine."
We walked for another 30 minutes before the teacher said it was time to go get changed. I walked into the girls locker room with Juliet and changed as quickly as possible. I met up with Johnnie and we walked to our fifth period together. Now, it was time for math. It seemed to drag on forever, well until we had to go to lunch, which was a nightmare.
After math was over I was able to go home. I only had study hall at the end of the day so I got senior option.
I came home to an empty home. No one was home, which is good. I like the alone time I get. My parents moved away when I was a freshmen in high school. I didn't care. They didn't care to know that I was being bullied.
I had my friend Josh and Tyler move in with me so I wouldn't be alone twenty four seven. They don't get home until about three, it was now one.
I decided to just sit around until they got home. I went up to my room and got my shiny friend... I sat down on my bed, and began my session..

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