Chapter 6: Hidden Away

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Chapter 6: Hidden Away

"Dominos is the way to go, I'm telling you."

"I don't think so, Pizza Hut is where it's at," Noah argued.

I leaned back on my hands on the sandy beach, and watched my new friends argue about which pizza place was the best. Honestly, I didn't even have a favorite pizza place. They all tasted the same to me. Almost like a coincidence, Kat asked me, "What do you think, Aaliyah?"

I shrugged, "I don't have a favorite place."

Almost all of their mouths dropped open, as if I just said I had committed a murder. It wasn't my fault my taste buds weren't as detailed as others.

"How about we all just agree on Papa Johns and we all just shut up?" Brian offered, sounding completely bored with the whole argument. We couldn't think of anything to do when we arrived at the beach, since the volleyball net was taken, and only two of us brought suits. So, we settled on rating pizza places while laying on the sand. It was amusing.

Sitting in 2nd place was Sbarro, followed by Little Caesars. We never settled on which pizza place deserved the 1st rank.

"No man, we can just give it to the rebound. We need to vote," Noah explained as if this were the presidential elections. "All in favor for Dominos, raise your hands."

Shana and Brian raised their hands.

"All in favor for Pizza Hut, raise your hands."

Noah and Kat raised their hands. I sighed and shook my head. This was never going to end.

"See?" Noah said to me. "We need your opinion. We need a tiebreaker."

I knew I would have to come up with a decision, despite not knowing the difference between pizza's, which I still found is an unnecessary trait to have. I decided to go with Sam's choice which I knew from the top of my head. 4 continuous days of movie marathons and pizza nights would do that to you.


Noah scrunched up his face and looked at me in disgust-playfully, of course. "Psht, what do you know? You don't even know the difference between pizzas."

I was going to open my mouth to start arguing that he was the one who forced me to decide, but Kat interrupted, "Let's just shut it about the pizza, okay? Half of us can get Pizza Hut next time and the other half can get Dominos."

I smiled at Kat's not-so-subtle attitude. I had been hanging around my new friends for the past week, and have been dreadfully counting down the days till the family vacation. I still had yet to tell them about the it.

Having new friends, it felt like a responsibility to tell them I was going away. I knew I had to be careful though, one slip about my family, and the secret would be out.

I confirmed that I definitely didn't want to tell them I was a Honeycut. My friends are supposed to me my friends, I didn't want my family to take that away too.

"We should go watch a movie," Kat said to me randomly.

"Okay. I know there's a movie theater close to here somewhere...what were you planning to watch?" I asked.

"Oh, I meant at your house. We could do it at my house too, but I kinda wanna see yours, I can imagine what it'll look like."

No. I thought. You can't imagine what it looked like. But I was curious to find out what she thought, anyways.

"And what image is that?"

Kat smiled at me knowingly, which I was a bit confused about at first. "I think it'll be a simple house with not much stuff, but just enough."

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⏰ Última atualização: Aug 08, 2015 ⏰

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