I did as Greg told me and kept my head low and eyes open to what was going on around me. I could no longer see Toni, but his black suited men were randomly firing around at other men hiding behind crates and around corners.

Greg finally swung the door open to the garage and pulled me in and slammed it shut. The echo bounced around, dropping a few rocks around our heads leaving us covered in a faint layer of dust. Standing we looked at each car, trying o find some enemy, or anyone who might be hiding back here. “Shhh. This is the tricky part.” Greg said opening the outside door and leading us out to the steep drop f the cliff to the river valley.

“Trying to sneak away with my prize are we Greg?” Toni’s malicious voice called from the door. We both spun to see his amused voice and very large gun resting in his hands. “Greg, Greg, Greg, I know we’ve had our differences but this is hardly fair.” He waved at him. Mr. Gregson growled beside me. I glanced between the two of them not sure what I should do.

Quickly Mr. Gregson grabbed my hand and pulled me to his chest. The action was so fast that I didn’t realize it happened until I stared blankly facing Toni the cold barrel of a gun pressed against my temple. Toni just laughed, even throwing his gun to the side in his amusement. “Toni, hostages aren’t your style, so tell me why you have this one?” Greg asked, a smirk in his voice.

I really considered my sanity when I decided to go with him. I had no idea what kind of person Mr. Gregson could be. I mean Jason’s leading a freaking double life! Mr. Gregson took a step back, drawing us closer to the cliff. “Where would you go?” Toni asked drawing up his gun. “And what makes you think that I care if you kill her to save your own life?” he asked shrugging slightly.

“You will care, because if I kill her and blame it on you Jason will no longer be suppressed by you. He will come for blood.” Greg said. So he knew about Jason’s life too? “And he will no longer like to play your game. You’ll lose.” Greg kept taunting.

“Jason will be replaced by someone else.” Toni shrugged.

“Not when you’re dead.” Greg replied.

“Then someone will take after me.” Toni still didn’t seem fazed by what was happening.

“If you let me die,” I finally piped up. “You’ll lose everything, your game will fall apart and all bets would be off. And after Jason has killed you, he won’t feel angry, he will know he has taken revenge and that I could rest in peace.” I dared, I could feel both men staring at me in awe. “Jason will be sad I’m sure, but he will be able to move on there’s no doubt in my mind that he could. He will remember me smiling, he will remember his sister smiling, but you, he will forget. You’ll become a distant memory. You’ll leave no mark in his mind. Ten years after my death he will be by my grave and think ‘I can’t even remember the name of the asshole who killed you’.” I stated everything proudly, but mostly I just pulled it all out of my ass.

“Jason could never forget me!” Toni snapped. I shook my head and smiled.

“He will because after he kills you, you will become meaningless in his mind. He’ll know that he has won and defeated you. Sacrifices were made but he still won in the end and that’s all that ever mattered.” Toni was visibly shaking with rage now, and it was probably a good idea that I shut my mouth, but sometimes I don’t like good ideas. “I’ll be a reminder to him of his success, no matter how he thinks of it, because without me he wouldn’t have been able to defeat you!” I raised my voice, and Toni’s shaking increased. “He will win! No matter how hard to try, and no matter what you think, in the end Jason will win!”

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