Chapter Four- Part Two

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Nelly’s POV

I sat in the front of the van with Mel. Jason looked angry and upset in the back, but I was too unnerved to be around any guy right now. I could still feel his hands on me, touching everything, and every time I closed my eyes I was there again. Mel kept smiling at me sadly and glaring in the rearview mirror. She handed me my boots, which some how managed to survive this entire fiasco, and drove steadily down the street, I’m not sure where we were going but I really hoped to get there soon.

Mel refused to let Jason talk to me. The anger was still in his eyes, I was actually happy he barged into the bathroom. Any longer and I’m not sure what would have happened.

We ended up stopping at another cheap motel, on ground floor this time. Jason and John went to pay for the room and get us room keys. Mel sat in the van with me silently. It looked like she wanted to say something but couldn’t make the words. “Is this what you guys do?” I asked staring blankly at the space in front of me. “Kill people?” Me shook her head.

“No… well sorta. We kill the bad people. And the ones we don’t kill go to prison.” She said.

“So what are you? Police? FBI?” I asked she shook her head.

“I can’t tell you.”

I managed a weak smile and chuckle. “So you’re Secret Agents.” She smiled sheepishly and shrugged.

“I can’t tell you remember?” she said winking. I chuckled, thankful for the lighter conversation. Mel glanced out my window and smiled. “The guys are ready, you okay to go in?” she asked. I nodded and opened my door and stepped out. Mel followed and we met with the guys at the door. John tossed Mel a little gold key and put the other in the lock and opened it. We all filed into the dim room.

I sat down on the inside bed while the others quickly began setting up their technical crap, and John pulled out several cases lined with black weapons. He pulled a few out and hid them on himself. I wouldn’t be able to count the number weapons he carried. They all sat around one computer chatting about something while Mel’s fingers quickly moved across the keys.

I curled up in the bed and laid there. How would I deal with Jason through the night? “I’m going to get some food. Anyone want anything specific?” Jason called.

John called out. “Pizza!”

At the same time Mel shouted. “Chinese!”

They started arguing and Jason sat on the bed across from me. “You want anything?” he asked softly.

“I want a burger.” I said softly. He smiled and stood.

“Burger and fries it is!” He called heading out. Mel and John groaned then laughed and went back to what they were doing. I sighed and came out of the bed. The TV remote was just sitting on the table beside me. Shrugging I turned it on and flipped through the channels.

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