14 ▹ Stiles and Taryn

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Scott, Stiles, Lydia, and Kira all hurried to the front entrance to the school. While scott was tearing off the chains off the door, a shaking Kira was holding her katana close to and Lydia was using all the strength she had to hold up the dying Stiles. The boy was still growing weaker by the second and the closer he got to the Nogitsune, the more he felt like puking all over the concrete.

The moment Scott ripped the chains off the doors, Stiles spoke up. He wanted them to know one thing and he had to do it before they entered whatever was before that door.

"Scott hold on." Stiles spoke, his voice croaking and he let out a small cough. "I know what you're all thinking. If this works, it might kill me, too. But even if it does, you have to go through with it, okay? Because Scott, I know what Taryn has gone through and now she's going through it again. She need to be the one to live. I came to Eichen House, I put her in danger, everything's my fault. So, please, stick with the plan."

Scott gave his best friend a sharp but soft look. He didn't agree with how the boy was thinking. "The plan is to save you and Taryn. That's the plan I'm going with." Stiles sighed while Scott turned around and opened the doors to Beacon Hills High. Whatever they were expecting, they weren't expecting to enter a snowy Japanese garden.


Stiles and Taryn sat on the steps that belonged to Beacon Hills High. Both of the teens had their hands curled together, their elbows on their knees, and their chins rested on their curled hands. And both were giving an amusement look to the older werewolf that was walking up to the two void humans and the two Oni behind them.

Taryn faked a gasp of happiness and shock, "did you bring us a present?"

Derek Hale sat the triskele box down on the concrete and when he stood back up, his face was fluffed up and his eyes were glowing bright blue. In sync, two other werewolves appeared behind him, both pairing glowing blue eyes as well.

"I brought two." Derek growled.

Stiles snickered, "I've heard of an Alpha pack Derek, but not a pack of former Alphas. It's a little sad isn't it."

Derek walked forward with the twins following behind, "I may not be an Alpha anymore, but I can still fight like one." The three werewolves growled and the Oni readied their katanas while the Nogitsune smiled down at the werewolves. With a smile from Taryn, the Oni went into battle.

Everything the Nogitsune was making Taryn do would make her feel even more worse, sick even. Watching Allison die brought back memories of her brother dying--which the Nogitsune constantly kept throwing at her. He kept pushing the memories of her brothers death in her mind, how he tortured him for hours before growing bored and killing him with a simple snap to the neck. She saw the blood on her hands, the blood that ran down her body when she walked through the rain. She dreaded it all, she hated everything. She let Allison die, someone who came to save her. And now, she was doing the same thing all over again.

As the fight commenced, Taryn and Stiles both started to slip from the scene. It was when Chris Argent appeared and shot the same arrow that Allison shot that destroyed the Oni, did they abandon the entire setting.

Taryn could feel the nervousness within her, meaning the Nogitsune was getting more nervous by the second. Whatever was going on, she prayed it meant the pack was winning. She was ready for them to defeat him.

As soon as Taryn entered the school, her setting changed from the dark hallway and to what the Nogitsune was currently seeing inside the classroom. She watched as Kira and Scott fought off the slashing Oni, she watched as Stiles was struggling to stand even with the help of Lydia, she watched as the blood dripped on the white snow--dying it red.

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