The first meeting

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Hi my name is Braylon London, i am 13 years old , I live with my mom, dad,and  three brothers but that's not all of the family. 4 years ago I found out I have a twin sister and her name was Michelle London. My sister was taken away from the family and was forced to live with another family when she was 7 because our mom left Michelle in the house by herself while me, my brothers, and my dad went out to the park. My mom went outside to a neighbor's house then when she came back she didn't go in the house to check on Michelle she tried to kill her by setting our house on fire. No wonder mom made us pack all our clothes and move to our aunts house. Michelle was already sick so my mom decided to stay with her. After the house was starting to burn mom called the fire department and told them to hurry like she didn't set the house on fire on purpose. Finally a few minutes later the fire department arrived and my sister got out safe but she had a couple of burn marks on her skin. When the police ask her who she thinks did that she was quick to say ( mom did it she tried to kill me ) but when they ask our mother she denied it all the way. The cops went to mr. and ms.parkers home and ask them a few question ms.parker had nothing to say but when mr.parker arrived he told the cops ms.parker and ms.London were talking about killing Michelle for almost two weeks. The only reason ms. Parker and my mom tried to kill Michelle is so they could stop being known as the neighborhood sweethearts and start being known as the neighborhood nightmare's and they also thought she was an easy target to go after. After the conversation was at an end they took our mother and ms.parker to jail and put Michelle in a foster home while Bryan, Michael, Matthew,dad, and I stayed at aunt Taylor's house. Today I'm so excited because it is me and Michelle's birthday ( December 22,2015 ) but we were born in 2001, also it's been 6 years since I found out I had another sister so that would make us both 19. Now that I'm old enough to go on my own and see Michelle with her foster family I can reunite with her and spend the hole day doing activities that we couldn't do together while growing up like going shopping, getting our nails, feet, and hair done, and also just walking around and getting to know each other better. After Michelle and I had fun that one day we decided we were going to hang out every day and celebrate all the birthdays and all the high school dances including prom we missed, and just hanging out on a regular basis. After all there's nothing like doing something as a sister to not being a sister to not being thought of as a sister.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2015 ⏰

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