Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

"Aurelia, wake up." I ignored the person, "Wake. Up." I moaned, "Five more minutes, please."

Finally after a while, I was back in lala land. Ahh finally, peaceful sleep here I come! Then, all of a sudden I felt a sudden splash of cold ass water onto me. I screamed, "Ahhhhh!! That's ducking cold! And oh my unicorn sticks, I have a major headache." I held my head into my hands trying to push the headache away.

"Here take this." Angel handed me water and an asprin. "Thanks. Means a lot man." I looked up and gave him a sincere smile.

"Did you just called me 'man'?" I smiled, "Yeah man."

I looked around me and studied where I was and what was around me, "Where's everyone?"

"Well after you knocked out on the couch, everyone went upstairs a few hours later sobered up." He stared at me, "Oh.."

I stood up, "I'ma go upstairs to um freshen up." He just nodded.

After I got finished, I walked downstairs to saw everyone that was here last night. I tried to tip toe into the kitchen and avoid everyone, but nope nope nope. I just had to make a sound. "Well well well, I see the party girl got some rest. How was your sleep, sleeping beauty?" I gave David a straight face. "Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." I looked to my left scowling at Arnold. "Shut up Giraffe."

"You're just mad that you're the shortest one in the family. Ha. Ha." That asshole. "I'm not short. I'm funsized, stupid ugly boy." I stuck my tounge out like a child, or well.. like Micky. "We're twins. You literally fucking look like me you dork." I laughed, "You're uglier." I retorted back.

"Both of you stop." Both Arnold and I looked back to see my mom & dad standing there with Micky, giving us the death glare. "HE STARTED IT" "SHE STARTED IT" we both said in unison. We both looked at eachother and glared. "STOP COPYING ME." Once again we said in unison. "Duck you." "Fuck you." WHY ARE WE SAYING THE SAME THING. I groaned and looked at my mom for help, "He just cursed! That's not fair!"

"ENOUGH. Both fo you." My dads voice boomed throughout the house. Well damn, someone also woke up on the wrong side of the bed. "First of all, Arnold. How many times do I have to fucking tell you to stop cursing. Have some manners-" Arnold opened his mouth to say something but my dad put his hand up as if saying 'let me continue', "-Second of all, Aurelia. You're old enough to stop acting like a five year old." I protested, "NOT EVEN. OK ARNOLD HERE DECIDED TO CURSE WHILE ME, BEING THE NICE AND LOVING DAUGHTER OF YOURS, I DIDNT CURSE LIKE OKOKOKOKOK"

My dad just started laughing, while I looked at my mom asking for help. She just stood there shocked and amused, not funny.

"So mean, you guy's always team up on me." I whinned. They just smiled, "We love youuuu" they said in unison. "Thanks, I would love me too."

I forgot there seemed to be people around, so I looked into the living room and saw everyone trying not to laugh, struggling to keep it in. "Yeah yeah, go on. Laugh it out."
A/N: These chapters seem to be so short aw ):
But I need to write more chapters soon aghh! Haven't been doing much haha!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2015 ⏰

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