Liam's pov
"Alright lad say hi to Y/n for us" I ended my call with Louis he wasn't coming to school because he decided he wasn't "feeling it" today so he just decided to hang out with Y/n today

"Louis never wants to come to school" Niall chuckled with me and Harry agreeing

We were heading to Niall's locker because i want my headphones back that Niall took from me on Monday and I need them back because health class is boring as shit without a teacher

"I will need the headphone back by next period" Niall says causing me to groan I was hoping to keep them all day "yo isn't that Lauren!" Harry yelled and Niall and I turn to see Lauren lip locking with Luke!!

"LAUREN!" I heard myself yell, she quickly turned around to face us with a shocked look "guys" "what the fuck Lauren!" I hear behind me and it wasn't the boys it was the girls we meet them at Y/n house on Tuesday night

"I-I-I, it not what it looks like" Lauren says soon as we walked up to her "oh hell it didn't you were just eating Luke's face off" Dinah yelled "she has a girlfriend dude!" I yelled pushing Luke aside "whoo, whoo chill dude why don't just stay out of this" I balled up my hands but I felt Harry hold me back "don't do anything stupid remember we promise Y/n we won't touch him"

Luke smirked crossing his arm "listen to your friend Payne" Luke smirked if he says or do something else I'm braking that promise

"I didn't mean to kiss him" I hear Lauren I push Luke away and turn to Lauren "how could you say you really care for Y/n how the fuck could you go behind that sweet, caring girls back and go and kiss that bull shit of a kid!" I yelled feeling a crowd go around us "I do care for Y/n! I didn't mean to kiss him" "bull shit!" I yelled I don't know why I'm so angry

Maybe it's just because I been hang out with Y/n so much this past week that I got really close to her shes like a little sister to me now

"You better tell Y/n today or I will" I say to Lauren and walk away from the group "Get to class!" I yelled before turning the corner

Kendall's pov
"I-I-I can't tell Y/n this-this is going to hurt her-her" Lauren stuttered with tears in her eyes I wanna feel bad for her but she really fucked up this time

"You have to Lauren she's going to find out from somebody else and she's going to be even more hurt" Ally says I don't even know what to say I usually have a smart ass comment but this time I don't I just wanna slap the stupid out of Lauren

Y/n has always been so sweet to Lauren the past three days Y/n been coming to school with fucking breakfast for the girl, like come on Y/n's a keeper she would fight the world just to see Lauren smile and now Lauren goes and does this

"Lauren you better fucking man up to what you did and face the fucking fact that you kissed that ass hole of Luke and tell Y/n, stop fucking say you didn't mean to because you know damn well you could've pushed him away and walk away" I say giving Lauren my whole attitude it's pissing me off that she keeps saying she didn't mean to kiss him

"I didn't mean to tho!" "WELL YOU DID!" I yelled seeing her tears fall "yo Kendall chill" Dinah says pulling me away from Lauren "tell right ducking now or I will!" I yelled but Dinah pulled me away

"Kendall you need to chill" Dinah whispers "I can't she fucking cheated she just start dating Y/n they have a fucking date tomorrow Dinah, Y/n is so excited for this date" I explain

It hurts because I been talking to Y/n and she's tell me how she's planing on taking Lauren to the boardwalks to have a walk go on some of the rides, play the boardwalk games and after have a lovely candlelight picnic at the beach it's just sad she's really cares for Lauren

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