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Yes, they did make it but how did they get there...?

**4 1/2 months before**
{ Jaycena }
As I glided the razor across my skin I felt a sense of relief. All the pain and hurt in that moment had melted away. As the numbness began to slowly subside from the first cut, I knew I needed to continue. Who would miss me anyway?? Shamari didn't want me so why was I here? As every negative thought fills my head a new cut is placed on my skin. While cutting I close my eyes and in that split second I cut over my vein and the blood from both wrists begins to bleed out uncontrollably. In that moment I knew I was going to die so I figured I should let Shamari know.

My World ❤ (J): remember i'll love you always and forever.

After I sent the message the room began to spin so I sat down and leaned my head against the wall. In less than 2 mins my phone vibrated indicating I had a message when I looked down to unlock it everything went black and silence overcame me.

{ Shamari }
I can't believe she really hung up on me. Like wtf?! Then she has the nerve to cry like I did something to her. Like she sounded selfish and inconsiderate. Ima wait until she calls or texts me to ask her about it. Like what she did really made me mad. Ugh, I just can't believe her. Bzzbzz Bzzbzz.

My World ❤(J): remember i'll love you always and forever.

What is that supposed to mean? I hope she's alright but I have a feeling she's not. if theres a question of my love, you got it. ion belong to anyone but you baby, if the-

Shamari: hello.
???: is this shamari?
Shamari: yes, whose speaking?
???: this is jacenya's mom, nicole and i just called to let you know that jacenya is in the hospital.
Shamari: waaait, what?! what happened?
Ms.Nicole: she cut her vein and was bleeding out.
Shamari: omgeee, i wish i could come down but i cant. please kiss her forehead and tell her i love her when she wakes up.
Ms.Nicole: no problem sweetie. i will when she wakes up. have a good night.
Shamari: you too Ms.Nicole.

I can't believe this happened. Here I am so absorbed in her hanging up on me that I didnt even ask was she okay. What if she dies? Then Ima have her death on my conscious and thats not okay. Ugh, I feel like this is partially my fault. Is it...?

{ Author }
About 3 days later, Jacenya was released from the hospital and given mild anti-depressiants. Even after her mother relayed Shamari's message Jacenya still didnt wanna talk to her. While Jacenya is emotionally and physically drained, Shamari is going completely crazy. She's worried sick about Jacenya and the fact that she doesnt know if she's dead or alive is making it worse. Shamari is hoping and praying that Jacenya is okay but doesnt understans why they arent talking. In Shamari's mind everything between them is fine but what about Jacenya's? Does her mind think everything is fine or is eveeything falling apart in her eyes?

{ Jacenya }
Im out of the hospital and I feel like shit. I wish I would've died....

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