Chapter 42- Hyatt Hotel

Mulai dari awal

After waqas disconnected I msg aliyah
Me: U coming today?
Aliyah: actually waqas said that he will be at my place with bia this evening, and you all will come too,sooo.....
Me: I've already talked with waqas and they r not coming today but tomorrow so be ready.
Aliyah: what but he said that they will come today
Me: I've told him that am taking u out so he said that don't worry they'll come tomorrow
aliyah: shehry just because of our plan u ruined theirs! Waqas said that they have something important to say and u..... pfffff

Allah! This girl.... no my princess.... waqas was being too stubborn thats y we r going.... or else I would have never take u out when waqas said he has something to say... we r going just because waqas himself said

Me: No I Absolutely didnt....I'll tell u when I'll meet u this eveing....Are u coming or not?
Aliyah: hmmmm....see u this evening <3

Oufff.... what should I wear today? I opened my wardrobe and my eyes caught sight of my white shirt
Ohhh yea!
I took out my white shirt, black tie and black pants! Perfect

Aliyah pov

Well if shehryaar said that waqas is coming tomorrow then it must be waqas himself who told him to go out with me cause I know shehryaar will never spoil their plans

Its already 6.00 p.m... I opened my wardrobe to see what to wear...I saw my back dress. That will be good

I changed myself and did my makeup....after I wore my hijab I heard a knock on the door
"Come in" I said
"Mashaallah you r looking very pretty" zay said as he enter
"Where are u going?" He asked
"Hmmm actually, shehryaar told me to go out with him tonight so....." I said
"Ahan..... Ok.... yea I know yesterday he planned to meet u and we all went there with u.... couldn't u have told us?" He said
Where did he get to know that!
"Uhhhmmm no.... nothing like this bro.... we didn't have any plan... it was just... " I said
"Am not some stranger with whom u will say that and I'll believe... shehry told me that u were supposed to meet him yesterday " he said
Really! This shehry! He cant keep anything to him! He told bro
"Ohhh... yea... and he said as u all came that's y he's taking me out for a dinner today" I said
"That's good.... enjoy yourselves" he said
We went downstairs and Aisha gave me her car keys to go
Beep beep!!
Sarah looked from the window and said
"Look! your prince charming is here outside... keep Aisha's car key here and go with him "
I smiled and walk outside
"Aliyah wait " zay said
He put his hand around my shoulder and said
"Have fun"
and I smiled at him and nodded
"And hey.... keep it halal ok" he whispered and winked
"Bro!" I said and slapped him on his arm
He laughed and said
"Just joking... ok gooooo.... he's waiting!" He said and I smiled
I said bye and went Outside... there he is!

White shirt, black tie, black pants, hair on fleek as usual.... ouufff he's killing....
I walk to the car and he smiled at me. He opened the door and I said thank u
"Music?" He asked as he started the car
"Hmm sure" I said
Oookkk.... y r we behaving as if we have met for the first Time?
Ohhh maybe he's waiting for me to say sorry for yesterday
I looked at him and his eyes were focused on the road and he was smiling.
"Hmmm shehry am so-" I said but he interrupted
"Finally u agreed to come " he said
"Of course... y wouldn't I come? Ohhh... I know u said waqas told u to go out with me and u thought I am angry as you, I mean we spoiled their plan.... No. I know u won't do something like that. Am sure waqas must have really insisted that's y we r going" I said while looking at him
"And what if I say I refused him and told him that we can't meet today as I've to take u out? What if I say I myself told him not to come?" He said and I looked at him
Is he serious!!
"No.... even if u r saying this, I won't believe u.... I know u won't do something like that" I said
He grabbed my hand and I looked at him. He kissed the back of my hand and I gulped....
Y am I feeling strange today? I've butterflies in my stomach and all.
He didn't leave my hand. I tired to move it a bit but his grip tightened around my fingers. His eyes focused on the road and he's smiling?
Ooppsss.... I forgot to say sorry...
"Hmm shehryaar am so-" I said but he interrupted once again
"U nervous?" He asked
"Uhhh- who me? Hmmm no" I said and he smiled and didn't say anything
"Then y were u trying to remove your hands from mine some min ago? And y are u rolling your engagement ring with your thumb?" He asked and I shut my eyes due to nervousness. My grip around his hand tightened.... seriously! He's looking at the road and he still knows what am doing?

from hate to loveTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang