July 28,Tuesday

49 2 1

"Scarlett,Scarlett wake up, Amanda's on the phone," I heard my sister shaking me. "Sell her I'm zleepin," I murmered groggily. "Scarlett wake up, wake up, WAKE UP!" She shook me harder and screamed at the end. "Oh god can't you just tell her I'm sleeping, you little idiot!" I grabbed the phone from Tara's hand and groaned into it, "What?" "Hey can you please come over to my house right now?" Amanda commanded more than asking politely. "Why what happened?" I asked feeling concerned. "Just come over will you?" Then she just hangs up.

That was my other best friend/sister Amanda. We've been friends since the beginning of my school life. I still remember the first day of school like as if it was just that day I was sitting in the first row wearing a pink skirt with pink tops paired with pink shoes and coincidentally Amanda was wearing the same thing too.

Amanda is also one of the wanted girls from our school. Every male both nerds and the jocks die for her. When we were in, most probably the third grade, this boy from our class bought for her a flower despite the fact that it was taken from our school garden and gave it to her. Cute right?

I lazily got up from bed and went straight to the washroom to brush my teeth and get a quick shower. After I was done bathing I put on my favourite purple hoodie and purple pants paired with purple flip-flops. After putting on my lipgloss and mascara I ran downstairs to grab my usual breakfast(yoghurt) and bid my mom goodbye saying I was going to Amanda's house.

Last year her family decided to move to the house next to ours and as a result we are now neighbours.

Surprisingly, it was windy today though the sun was shining like a scorching fireball. After waiting for a minute the door finally opened and a smiling face greeted me in. It was Amanda's mom. She is pretty young, most probably in her mid thirties, with wavy chocolate brown hair. Despite the fact that she is strict when it comes to behaviour with her children, she was also one of the sweetest person I've known.

"Oh, hello Scarlett how are you doing and how's your mom?" Mrs Adams asked kindly. "I'm fine and so is mom, Mrs Adams," I replied. "Amanda's in the garden, and is there something you would like to drink sweetheart?" She asked. "Water's good enough," I chirped back.

Amanda's family were pretty rich. Her dad is an architect and designed some of the most famous buildings in New York which includes The Chrysler building and the Empire State building. Despite their wealth their house is pretty simple yet elegant. They had three bedrooms,one for Amanda, one for her sister Riley and one for their parents,two bathrooms, a kitchen,a huge living room and a very spacious backyard/garden.

As I entered the their garden which was filled with purple lavender and red roses I spotted Amanda leaning against their huge sycamore tree and reading a book. "Hey sis, what's up?" I asked. "Nothing much just reading a book," she replied dully. "No, shit I thought that you were playing basketball," I joked. She just chuckled. "So why did you aske me to come over, is everything alright?" I felt concerned. "No man everything's fine I was just feeling bored."

Seriously. She woke me up from my sleep and ordered me to come to her house making me think that something's wrong and now all she had to say was that she was just bored. Yesterday Karly and now today Amanda. I couldn't help but started screaming at her. "What the fuck is wrong with you people? Is it really hard for you guys to let someone sleep peacefully. Yesterday Karly woke me up at nine in the morning just so that I could help her choose which tatto to put on and now today you woke me up just so that I can come to your house and fucking entertain you!" After I was done I let out a breath which I didn't know I was holding. I looked down at Amanda and saw her rolling on the ground and clutching her stomach. My heart stopped beating for a second thinking that maybe she couldn't breath, then I noticed that she was laughing. Yep, she was actually laughing. I couldn't help but also start laughing, and then the next thing you know we both were rolling on the ground clutching our stomach,laughing our asses off. "Oh my god.....oh my god.... See this is why I asked you to come over, you always make me laugh," Amanda panted. "Yeah whatever," I replied after I finally stopped laughing.

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Aug 06, 2015 ⏰

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