Chapter Ten

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Merlin's POV

I look at Morgana completely lost within the few words she just had said. I let them ring around my head for a few moments glaring at Morgana unable to speak or move. Unable to comfort her when she needs me the most because I am lost for words, nothing could help the situation. Nothing I said would make Morgana feel any less lost or confused.

I just can not believe what she has just said. I have a son? A son! How can this be possible. I never never crossed my mind. I never knew if or when I would ever have a child but apparently I have one and I had no idea, no clue until right now.

Does this change everything?

Does  it make me feel any less strong about Albion, does  it make me any less confident in standing by Arthur. Does it make me rethink every single word I had just said to Morgana?

It doesn't change my mind. Nothing can but this does change something. I can never not have Morgana in my life because I will not allow myself to go without meeting him. Without meeting my son. If I have a son, I will be the father it will need me to be. I never got to be with my father. I only met him for a short while and I had already grown up.

I will not let my son go through the same thing. So this does change things. No matter what I can not allow Arthur to arrest Morgana or have her killed and even more so now then before because she is the mother to my son and he will need his mum and dad.

"I have to meet him," I whisper to on the ground trying to ignore the constant pain I am in.

She looks at me and nods, "I thought you would want too," she says as she looks over at Arthur coming to his senses.

She looks back at me again and sighs, "But yet you will still not be with me?"

"I will not let him hurt you. I will never let him come between us and our son, but I can not say it will be an easy journey and he is still more important then our relationship. I will do this for our son. He needs you and me. Whether we are together or not. Morgana you must leave Camelot and not return. I will come to you, I will visit but you can not live here and I can not live with you,"  I whisper.

Morgana's eyes seem to well up with tears and I look away for a moment unable to be a man and look at the women I love but yet still hurt her so much.

I have a son. I Wonder what he looks like. Does he have my eyes or Morgana's. So many questions I hope to be answered very soon.

"You do love me," Morgana whispers.

"Always," I whisper to her.

"Alright then. Maybe you are right," she smiles offering her hand out to me.

"Morgana where is our son?" I ask her wondering why she wouldn't be with him as I cling onto her to keep myself on my feet.

"Morgause has her. I had to come, I had to try win you back! I had to tell you about him and I knew it be no place for him at such a time. Not safe. I knew what I might have to do but yet I knew I wouldn't do anything at all," says Morgana.

"I do not like the thought of you leaving our son with her. I very much dislike your sister. She has caused so many problems even more then you have," I retort.

"I know and I am sorry for that," she says softly.

"What are you doing Merlin?" Arthur asks confused. He had managed to get to his feet and stood in front of us.

"Arthur I need to tell you something," I begin.

I didn't get a chance as a man attacked Morgana and I to the ground. "Your sister knew you wouldn't be able to do it!" the man hissed at Morgana but keeping her and myself pinned against the ground my head is pounding even harder now I had hit it as he tackled us to the ground.

I cry out in pain as the pain gets too much.

"No Merlin!" shouted Arthur but Arthur found himself collapsing to the ground and before I got to see what was about to happen next I found myself falling into the darkness and I knew I had passed out.

I only woke up a couple times but passed out shortly after. All I knew was every time I did I knew I was being taking further and further away from Camelot and each time I woke I couldn't help but feel sick. I knew it to be the work of Morgana no doubt about it.

I open my eyes again to find myself on the ground of a dirty old carpet and I look up to find Morgause sitting on a throne which is also very dusty and dirty but I knew at once the little child in her arms is my son.

He has my eyes, the same features of me too. Even at such a young age many would tell he is my son, I myself can see it straight away. I hiss in pain but I manage to speak, "Get your hands off my son!" I retort.

Morgause cackles so loud it makes my head spin. "No! I don't think so. I think you are the worst person to have a child. Do not worry I have kept him well looked after but I will not allow you to hold him or see him ever again. You are a traitor to your kind. You are a horrible jerk! Morgana suffers even now because of you! I never liked you and I still don't! He will be better of with out you! Remember this moment, Merlin. This will be the first and last ever time you will see him. Guards take him away, make him suffer. See you soon Merlin...maybe not."


I struggle against the chains that keep me pinned against the wall of the rotten, old empty castle cells deep underground. I feel myself sweat and my wrists starting to bleed. Each breath I took seemed to become harder to keep.

But all I could truly think about was one simple thing. The most important thing in my life has been taken away and I've been left here to rote.

I can't do nothing.

I'm stuck here waiting in hope my magic returns to me but if not. If my magic never seems to work ever again.

I will die here.

I will die here and no one will find me.

I'll leave him behind.

I'll never see him again.

I let the tears stream down my face. It can't end here. I can't leave him, not now I had only just found out about him.

I can not die down here and leave my son with Morgause. She will make him grow up to hate Arthur, hate Camelot and have the same hatred she has in her heart.  I can not let that happen. I need to watch him grow up.

When I saw his face I knew then I would do anything to protect him, die for him. I will not die while  I know he is in the wrong hands. He is my son and I will fight for him.


Not edited!

Thanks for reading :)

Merlin: Arthur VS Morgana (Sequel to Merlin: Outcast)Where stories live. Discover now