Chapter 35

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After I went to do I guess you can call my 'errand' I was trying to head to the bathroom,but I found Nikki well..she found me.

"Oh finally I've been looking everywhere for you" she said

"I have no reason why you were. I'm not talented or magical so.." I shrugged while walking to catering

"No I came to you because-" she paused while catching up to me "So even though Brie doesn't want to go all out for this "get together" I decided-"

"Nicole,you know Brie and her hippie ways,she doesn't like going all out..especially Bryan" I said putting tons and tons of grapes in a bowl

"Yeah yeah I know but what's a party without a little fun?" She said

"Whats the whole point of this actually?" I asked while eating some grapes

"I need you to come with me to get some dresses and-"

"Nikki" i whinned

"Rachel,Im telling you its bot going to be a crazy party at all ok?" She paused while steeling some of my grapes "Just come with me to pick out some stuff on Wednesday "

"I don't want to be apart of this" I said

"Please" she begged

"But Brie is gonna be upset and I don't like seeing people upset it's very awkward and sad" I said

"Please!" She begged louder while stomping her feet

"Fine" I gave in "but this was not my plan"

"Yay" she said then walked away,I may have threw a grape or two at her then quickly walked away also.

Now I can go to the bathroom-

"Rachel!" Some called my name,I sighed and turned to see Paige walking towards me

"Hey miss powerhouse" I said crossing my arms

"Why thank you" she said flexing her arm causing me to chuckle

"Enough about how awesome I am,what should I wear to the ring?" She asked,I gave her a confused look

"Hm,I always though Nikki would be the one to ask about clothes" I said

"Yeah mhm,hurry please" she said

"Umm" I paused while looking at the stupidest decisions I have ever have to make "Paige what am I looking at?"

"Obviously two let her jackets,one long one and one short one" she said

"Wear the long one" I said,she nodded and shoved the other leather jacket in my arms which was already full of my grapes. Then she walked to the gorilla

"Gee thanks" I said to myself while finally able to go to the bathroom

"Hey,there you are" Someone said yet again,I turned and saw Natalya

"Yes nattie?" I said a little agrivated

"You upset?" She asked

"No just..very surprisingly needed today" I said

"Well,me and Tj are going on vacation and" she paused I was not liking where this was heading "I need someone to watch my cats"

"Oh Lord Nattie-"

"Please,Everybody else is busy and if nobody is available we can't go" she said

"Nattie Im not a cat person at all,I could watch a dog,I'm great with dogs just not cats..anything but Cats" I said

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