Robsten: No way

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I buried my face in my hands, glaring at the test on the counter.


I can't be pregnant. Rob believed the rumor and left me. I didn't cheat on him with Rupert Sanders, Rupert forced me.

"Don't you dare move!" Rupert sneered and poked me with the gun in his left hand.

I whimpered and tried to pull away. He kissed my neck and pushed me against the hard stone wall.

"If you speak a word of this I will kill you." He threatened. "Where is pretty boy Rob when you need him, huh?"

He pushed the gun into my side making me arch my back. Rupert grabbed my thigh and pulled me closer to his crotch.

"Please Rupert. Don't do this." I cried. He snickered and licked my earlobe.

I heard foot steps and I turned my head. There was paparazzi. Shit!

"Fuck you!" I yelled. "Shoot me!"

He turned me around and pushed the gun on my stomach, making it obvious. The paparazzi already left.

I ran to my truck and jumped in. I struggled with my keys. I drove home to Rob and I's apartment. My vision was blurry from tears. I turned my truck off and ran into our apartment.

When I walked into the house I saw Rob sitting on couch, watching to news.

"Kristen Stewart cheating on Robert Pattinson with Rupert Sanders?"

I let out a weep and ran over to Rob. He was looking at the television with dead eyes. I held his face in my shaking hands.

"Baby please! It's not true. He-he had a-" I sobbed.

"I fucking trusted you." Rob shook his head. "I loved you!" He stood up.

"Rob no listen to me!" I grabbed his hands. He scoffed and took his hands back.

"I'm leaving." He told me and stomped upstairs.

10 minutes later, he bolted out the door with his suitcases. He sat on the steps in front of our house. I heard him crying.

I leaned against the door and screamed. Fuck you Rupert!

I can't be a single mom. I have to tell Rob, but he told me he is dating Tahliah Barnett. Gosh, I hate FKA Twigs! I grabbed my phone with shaking hands. I asked Rob to meet me at the coffee shop we used to go to.

I took a deep breath and drove to the coffee shop. It has been 2 months since we officially called it off. We had constant hook-ups for about a year. He has been dating Tahliah 4 months.

I parked and fixed myself to look presentable. I slowly got out of the car and walked inside the coffee shop. Looking around, I saw Rob.

He looked me up and down. I have a small bump on my stomach. Robert motioned for me to take a seat.

"What is it, Kris?" He asked avoiding contact.

"I'm so sorry, Rob." Tears welling in my eyes. "Look at me."

His eyes met mine and I grabbed his hands.

"I'm pregnant." I told him.

"Okay, congrats." He mumbled.

"Rob, it's yours." I whispered.

He froze and shook his head. Running his hands through his hair, he cussed.

"No Kristen. I can't do this anymore. How do expect me to believe you?" He rambled. I sighed and pulled out the pregnancy test out of my purse.

"This can be a fake one!" He fussed. I shook my head. I lifted up my shirt. He gasped.

"What does this have to do with me? It might not be mine!" His eyebrows bunched together in confusion.

"Rob, you are the last person I have had sex with." I admitted. 

"Kristen," He paused. "We are having a baby?" He asked.

I shook my head and laughed.

"I just wanted to let you know. I don't want to interfere with your life anymore. I'm so sorry." I apologized and stood up.

"No Kris, wait." He grabbed my arm. "I want to be with our baby. Not just in the babies life, but yours too. I want you back." 

I froze and without thinking, I flung myself on him. He chuckled and wrapped his arms tightly around me. 

"I love you, Kristen." He kissed my forehead. I placed my hands on the sides of his face.

"I love you too." I smiled. Rob smashed his lips on mine. 

I am home.

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