Chapter 3 Pre Warped

Start from the beginning

*I pull out a black shirt that says "Vegan" and ripped black high waisted shorts. I get black knee high socks with bows on them and my black and white high top vans. I brush out my purple hair and do my makeup.*

Hunter: Okay how do I look?

Vinny: Amazing as always!

Ricky: Are gonna come to our sound check?

Hunter: Of course I wouldn't miss it for the world!

Chris: Okay be safe and text us when you are on the way back to the bus.

Ryan: Do you want a granola bar before you leave I don't want you to pass out.

Hunter: Yeah hand me a bottle of water as well please?

*Ryan hand me the granola bar and water. I'm 5 minutes late to there sound check. I run to the journey right foot stage waving my arms. Patty and Ben talk to me through the microphones.*

Patty: Yes we see you arriving to the stage.

Ben: You missed the first 7 minutes how dare you! I'm not proud of your girlfriend skills.

Hunter: I'm sorry I'm a girl I'm allowed to be late! Can I come up on the stage?

Patty: Yes because I want a kiss!

*I walk up on the stage and give Patty a kiss and sit on storage case and listen to there sound check.*

Ben: Patty I love how your Girlfriend is nodding her head and eating a granola bar.

Foley: Patty why aren't you feeding your girlfriend real food! She's skinny enough as it is!

Patty: Babe after this would you like to walk and go find food?

Hunter: Yes! But I have to be back before Motionless sound check!

*The guys finish there sound check I help them load the equipment up and head back there bus with them.*

[Text to Balz]

Hunter: Hey I'm on As It Is bus which is number 17. They just got done with there sound check Patty is gonna freshen up and then me and him are gonna go and get food. Ask the guys if they want me to bring them anything back?

*Patty heads to the back and I sit up front and talk to the guys.*

Ben: So how is your morning going?

Hunter: Very tiring! I didn't get much sleep last night so I feel like I'm gonna be leaving the BBQ early.

Foley: I've had a question that I haven't known the answer to. Hunter are you edge?

Hunter: I do drink I do not smoke at all! I've never been drunk the most drinks I will have is like 3.

*Patty walks from the back up front me and him leave the bus and leave and walk a mile up the road to a chillies.*

Patty: I'm so happy we are getting a little alone time!

Hunter: I know I'm so tired and we haven't even started tour which worries me because I really don't want to get sick.

Patty: If you get sick don't worry I'll take care of you!

Hunter: I just worry we are gonna have a hard time seeing each other on tour because I have to be at the tent all day and if you try and say hi you'll get stopped.

Patty: I will try my hardest you know I will! Oh and by the way me and the guys wanted to know if you can get someone to cover the tent during our set tomorrow?

Hunter: Yeah totally my manager said anytime I need someone to cover he's got me covered.

Patty: The reason why is one I want you to be there and two I want you to come on stage and sing Dial Tones with me. Will you do it?

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