Ch. 9

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Mikasa P.O.V:

I was eating until someone flung food at me. "What the... " i mumbled then turned to Annie flinging another piece of her ham at me. She looked at me, with a glare. I made my scowl at her. "SOOOOOOOO, Mikasa Where was your other school?!" Hanji asked. "Um...I was home school..." I said hesitating at first. "!" Hanji said. "Yeah"I continued to eat my food until, Annie threw another Ham at me, i got angry and was about to say something, i opened up my mouth and ham flew into it making me choke. I was choking. Hanji was the first to notice. She got up and ran to me and went from behind, and started pumping on my chest. She did that until i coughed the Ham out. "Whoa,Mikasa you should chew before you swallow." Annie stated. I was grasping for air, i did that until i was breathing fine. "Well maybe... you shouldnt of threw that ham into me!" I said as i slammed my hands on the table.Eren looked at me and glared
I frowned... my tail went down and i contiued eating...

To Be Continued...

--Sorry if there was ANY mistakes!--

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