Fun Fact #50

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You all voted, and 50 facts about me won! So, here you go!

1- My name is Maya (you probably knew that)

2- I like to categorize myself as an interesting person

3- I have a pretty elaborate vocabulary

4- I use the word exquisite a lot

5- I love to travel

6- I've never been outside of the U.S., and it's really starting to take a toll on me

7- my passport is very lonely, it's never been used. One time I went to the airport thinking I could use it as an ID but the lady said she didn't need it :(

8- im 14 years old

9- I am a Taurus

10- I love wearing bracelets. I wear a lot of bracelets. I also have this watch that I wear until it breaks, and then get another one the exact same

11- my wrists feel really weird when they're bare, like during track season or so

12- im usually pretty athletic. I run track, I play soccer, used to play football, run etc.

13- I love soccer. I love watching soccer and rooting for my teams.

14- my favorite soccer teams are Man City, Real Madrid, U.S. National Team, Spanish National Team, and the Argentina National Team

15- I also love football. Football is one of my most favorites sports ever. I love watching the games, feeling the intensity of the games from my living room, cheering on the teams, crying for the teams, etc

16- my favorite football teams are the Denver Broncos, New Orleans Saints, and San Francisco 49ers. I'm also a huge Texas Longhorns fan

17- I love history and geography. They're my favorite subjects. Ancient Greece was one of my favorite things, but I'm not as into that as I used to be.

18- Maps are some of my favorite things in the world. I love reading maps, looking at maps, finding cities on maps, and just looking at maps in general. I have this atlas for a while and it has my giant road trip across the U.S. planned

19- I've never had a boyfriend.

20- High School starts in the fall, and I hope to get a boyfriend there

21- I love Arrow. It's my favorite TV show

22- when I watch arrow I tend to express myself in "ooh!" "Ah!" "NOOOOOO" and other things. One time when a giant plot twist happened I literally let out a blood curling scream

23- I don't listen to much new music. I only hear new songs from my sister and the variety station I listen to. I didn't even know what 'watch me nae nae' was until a few weeks ago

24- I love oldies music, especially classic rock. The Cars radio on Pandora is one of my favorites, it spits out everything I like.

25- halfway there! And already running out...

26- Im from Austin, and when they say, "oh Texas!" Im like, no. Austin and Texas are two completely different things.

27- I have a little sister. We don't usually see eye to eye, but we get along well enough (psh nah we fight all the time)

28- one of my grandfather legit freaks me out and I try to avoid seeing him as much as possible. It works well enough considering we live in two different states.

29- he tried to say that rape wasn't very bad, gay marriage is a horrendous thing and that Donald Trump is a great guy. Excuse me, he said Mexicans are rapists and druggies, that they should not be allowed in the country and gave out another republicans personal phone number on live TV. Donald Trump is my least favorite person and my grandfather fucking likes him. He's very conservative...

30- Conservatives creep me out

31- I love 80's love songs sung by dudes

32- the best movie ever made, in my opinion, is Interstellar. It was so well done and so perfect I cried.

33- I don't usually cry during movies. I just get this sad expression on my face

34- when I saw that Gus died while reading TFIOS, I just put my book on the windshield and crossed my mind with a "humph" expression on my face

35- I find gay couples absolutely adorable. I love watching cute gay couples (hey look who's a creeper)

36- I run hurdles during track season. I'm pretty good at them, last season I beat my PR each race until the last one which was my qualifying for the Classic and I tripped HAHSIDKDNDNSN

37- Ill be starting High School in the fall and I'm pretty excited but also nervous cause like I wanna avoid most people I know whoops

38- I take a lot of pictures. They're not half bad for an iPhone either

39- I have an iPhone, but my next phone will be a Samsung. Ive done the research and they just do so much more than iPhones. They have a better camera, longer battery, better definition. Everything's a lot better

40- I live in Colorado

41- sometimes I feel like I talk to my internet friends more than my irl friends

42- I practically live on buzzfeed. I notice when they change the title of an article, or if the headline is different.

43- the apps I use the most on my phone are Instagram, Wattpad and Whisper. And Safari for Buzzfeed

44- my favorite place I've been the US is Washington DC. Partly because I'm a huge history and science nerd. But it was really cool. My cousin works at the Smithsonian, so we got some behind the scenes tours, explanations about stuff and it was really cool. Also, I saw the actual Magna Carta there.

45- I prefer big to small. Like big cities. I love big cities to the smaller ones. There's just so much to do, and less people to run into. My grandparents have a house in this small Colorado town, I love it there but I wouldn't be able to live there

46- sometimes I feel like I don't get enough air into my lungs. I have to take really deep breaths to feel better.

47- I absolutely adore science. I love it because there's so much more to learn, and scientists accept the fact that they're not always right about everything and that's it's okay to change what they thought originally

48- the lord of the rings was really the first fandom I got into. I'm not really into it anymore, but I still love it. My three big Fandoms are Percy Jackson, Arrow and well I don't know

49- Chris Pratt is one of my favorite people ever

50- on my list of cute Hollywood couples, Anna Faris and Chris Pratt are #1 in the straight couple sector and NPH and David Burtka cap the #1 spot for gay couples and while I don't currently have a cutest (whatever) couple, NPH and David Burtka are getting pretty close to it.

There you go! 50 facts about me! This isn't edited but it should be okay haha

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