Chapter 1

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My name is Aubrey Grayden, Im seventeen years old and ever since my family moved to Texas, ive only had one true friend. His name is Justin and he has been with me through almost everything. He just makes me happy I guess.

"Aubrey, hun its time for school! Its your first day of grade 11 I thought you would be more prepared, anyways I have to work and someone special is here" said my mother with the biggest smile. My mother is a nurse, so she works all the time, and my dad, he works along with her.

I put on a pink sports bra under the sweater ive been sleeping in, and walk down the stairs to see Justin standing at the door. "You dont look ready for school.. Cmon lets go get ready" he says grabbing my sweater and pulling me back upstairs. I lazily walked back upstairs and sat on my bed. " You know, i really dont want to go to school" i mumbled.

"Why not, its gonna be fine.." Justin replied. "I just dont want to see Jacob". Jacob is my ex, hes tall, strong.. And basically just a jerk. Jacob has been trying to get back together with me all summer, and I havent told justin yet..

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