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     Everyone raced out of the car once we entered the famous Zandir Hauls drive way. Everyone stared in awe at his $615 mansion as mom and dad trudged into it. We sat outside as we listened to Cierras  radio. We were never aloud inside. And we knew why. Zandir had a whole bunch of guns and knifes in his house, and 8 years ago when we first ever came here Cierra nearly cut her finger off and John nearly shot Ashlee on accident. That's why we have never been aloud in there since. Ever since dad and mom split up, dad has only came once or twice. But mom was banned from here by Zandir because of what she did to dad. But she was aloud back now seeing they were together again. 

       After 3 hours our parents finally came out laughing about something that was probably stupid. But then something happened. Mom turned around and kissed dad. We all screamed as we ran to the car. Then we locked the car as they ran to unlock it. Then they yelled at us. But we were already scarred. Anyone would be scarred. Wouldn't they?

        I could NOT fall asleep. Kira kept on talking in her sleep and Ashlee kept on getting up to go out of the room. First was to get a drink, Second was for the bathroom, Third was for a tissue.Things like this kept happening all night. I finally fell asleep around 4 but was disturbed at 7 by Cierra. "Morning time everyone!" She sang as i rolled my eyes and sat up out of bed. "We're going to Zanies again today so you all better listen!" She smiled. "Get dressed!" She said as she shut the door and hurried down the hall. I trudged to my closet and picked out a pink tank top and my favorite danskin shorts. Then i ran to the bathroom to get dressed.



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