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    Today was the first day of going back to school. We had a 2 week vacation because it was Spring vacation. I woke up at 6:30 and changed into my neon green lace shirt and jean shorts. Margie was meeting me at school today and was gonna be sitting in 1st period with me. We both had art so we could sit where ever we wanted. For the last week before vacation she had been sitting with Rachel Rally and Blair Lace but had promised to sit with me so yea. All i could think about was Brittany and her nose. I saw her at school today and she always gave me a dirty look. Her nose was fine, but her self was not fine at all. She had a scar on her head and a bruise on her leg. But today she looked sluttier than ever. She was wearing mini shorts and you could see some of her butt cheeks, a crop top that showed half of her breast, and four inch heels. Martin was trying to talk to me at the library but i ignored him as usual with my cheaters. Because i remembered.

         "Today students, we will be learning about cells." I stared at the clock and waited for the final bell to ring. Margie said she had a special surprise waiting for me for at the end of the day. Finally it rang, and i rushed outside to wait for her. I waited. And waited. And waited. But then after 29 minutes i gave up and then i saw her walking out. With Blair Lace. And Rachel Rally. I sighed and walked over to them. "Hey, Margie." I smiled at her as she smiled back and said hi. "Disgusting Margie! We thought you were so much better than this! Come we HAVE to go. Now!" Rachel cried as she grabbed Margie's arm and dragged her away. "We'll hang out later!" She smiled as she shoved her arm free and waved. I smiled and then left.

         I walked home as it started to down pour. At the other side of the street i saw a group of kids playing ball. 3 girls and 2 boys. They looked alike. Same blonde hair, and blue eyes. And small noses. I looked closer. They had on shirts that said their names. Amy, Elizabeth, Hanna, Joseph, and Owen. I walked on as i finally reached my house. I pushed on the glass door, but wouldn't open. I rolled my eyes. Dad must have left and locked the door. Or my stupid mom was here. She always locked the door no matter what. Even if she was right there. I grabbed out my key. I pushed it into the door when i heard a click. I pushed on it again and this time it opened. "Hello?!" I shouted as i heard a bark. A dog?  I sighed and made my way upstairs. 

Words of a cry -A SERIES-Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora