Chapter 1: 15 years later

Start from the beginning

Bumblebee stirred the wooden spoon around the pot. Aqualad was watching TV with the kids, when suddenly the common doors opened.

" Hey mama!" The boy who was once in his robotic suit greeted Bee, his mother. He ran and hugged his mom by the waist.

" Hi baby, " Bee said as she kissed his son on the forehead. " How was the mission?"

" We defeated Mumbo and his weird daughter again, " the boy replied as he plopped a seat on the couch.

The water girl rushed over to Aqualad and hugged him around the neck. " Hi daddy!"

Aqualad chuckled, " Hello Geena. Why won't you be a good girl and help set up the table. Your Aunt Bee is almost done with dinner. "

Geena nodded and rushed over to the kitchen. She took out plates, forks, spoons, and knives out of the drawers and began setting up the table.

" Hey Uncle Garth, are my parents back yet?" The red haired boy asked.

" Yeah, they contacted me not long ago. You're supposed to pick up your brothers and go back home, " Aqualad informed him.

" aw man. Willy, Jayden, Jackson, let's go. Mom and dad are waiting, " the red haired boy said.

" RACE YOU THERE, WATSON! BYE EVERYONE, " Willy, the youngest brother shouted and zoomed off the tower.

Watson rolled his eyes and zoomed off after him leaving his two other brothers behind. Jayden and Jackson waved goodbye to everyone and ran out of the tower.

" Soups up everyone, " Bee said as she placed a big pot of soup on the center of the table.
" We've got salad too."

As Bee placed the salad bowl next to the pot of soup, Aqualad and the children made their way to the kitchen table.

" Kristen, honey, can you go get your dad so he can join us for dinner?" Bee asked her young daughter.

Kristen had her hair in little pig tails and was dressed in a black and yellow dress. She walked herself to the basement.

Just as everyone began eating, one girl with a short pony tail and green skin was interrupted when her communicator rang.
She answered the communicator and she saw her father's appearance, green skinned, green haired, and green eyed.

" Hi daddy!" The green skinned girl, just like her fathers, said.

" Hey honey. Listen, Rachel, tell your brother and sister that mom and I are coming home early tonight. The mission was easier than we expected, " Beast boy told his daughter through the communicators.

" Okay, I'll see you later. Bye daddy, " Rachel smiled and hung up.

" What was it?" Rachel's twin brother, Roman, asked with his mouthful of salad.

" Mommy and daddy are coming home early, " Rachel continued,
" and don't speak with your mouth full, that's disgusting."

Suddenly, Kristen came running in the kitchen and took a seat with her father, Cyborg, behind her. He greeted everyone and took a seat next to his wife.

After dinner, the little children were sent to bed early for early training tomorrow.

" Vincent, your dad and I are going to bed. Don't stay up late, all right? Goodnight everyone!" Bee said.

" Night kiddos, " Cyborg said.

" Night mama, night pops, " Vincent said.

The others greeted Cyborg and Bee a goodnight. A few minutes later the common doors opened, which startled the children who were watching TV. Out came Beast Boy, Raven, Robin
( Nightwing ), and Starfire. Raven's cloak and leaotard were white and her hair grew a little longer. Beast boy and Nightwing grew taller and muscular. Beast boy's uniform was black and white, leaving the white on the side of the suit. Nightwing grew out his hair and his suit was black and blue. Starfire grew her hair longer and now she puts it up in a ponytail, but her uniform had not changed.

" WE'RE BAAAAAAACKKKK, " Beast boy shouted across the common room.

" God can you get any louder, Beast boy?" Raven said in her usual sarcastic tone as she rubbed her face in annoyance.

" ahem... Beast MAN!" Beast boy corrected his wife.

" Whatever."

Their cloaked daughter named, Gabriella levitated in front of them to greet her parents.

" Gabby, where are your bro and sis?" Beast boy asked her daughter.

" sleeping," Gabby said cooly.

" um, hello. Mom and I don't get any love?" Nightwing playfully teased.

Dawn, Starfire and Nightwings older daughter rushed toward her parent and gave them a hug.

" is your sister, Sapphire, asleep?" Starfire asked.

"Yeah, along with the others, " Dawn replied.

Raven sighed as she walked up to the couch to find Aqualad sleeping and his daughter beside him snoring. " Did your uncle Garth fall sleep on the couch again?" She asked.

" Yeah, " Vincent said and then yawned. " Guys I'm getting a little tired, I'm going to bed... Night everyone. "

Vincent lazily got up from the couch and exited the common room as he heard everyone say goodnight to him.

Beast boy stepped in front of the couch. He took his phone out and took a picture of Aqualad and Geena sleeping as he snickered.

" Mature, real mature, " Raven sarcastically said. " Aqualad!" She raised her voice.

Aqualads eyes wearily opened and he scanned the room. He groaned and got up with his daughter in his arms. He carried her to her bedroom and went to bed.

" Gabby, maybe it's time for you to go to bed, " Raven said.

" UGH, really mom?" Gabby groaned.

Raven stood there with a serious glare until Gabby sighed and walked herself to bed. She mumbled a goodnight and was gone.

" You too, daughter Dawn, " Starfire said.

Dawn only smiled and nodded. She ran off to her bedroom leaving the four titans in the common room.

~The Next Day~
-The West's house-

" who's ready for school!?" Wally screamed in his excited tone.

" Not me. Ugh, when can I drop out like Jacky, Willy, and Watson?" Jay asked his parents in his squeaky voice.

" When you turn ten just like the rest of your brothers." Jinx said. She looked down at her pan and realized she had burned the pancakes. " great, burnt the pancakes again." She said sarcastically.

" never mind the pancakes, you can just eat some cereal. Besides, kiddo, Kristen and Sapphire will be there!" Wally reminded his son.

Jay only mumbled as he ate his bowl of cereal.

~Jump City Elementary~

Jay was dropped off in front of the school from his father's red vehicle.

" Have a good day, Jay, " Wally gave his son a reassuring smile.

Jay couldn't help but smile back, but when his father drove off his smile faded. He turned to face the school to think of all the awful possibilities that could happen in there. His thoughts were soon interrupted when Kristen called for his name. Jay turned his head to find Kristen and Sapphire walk to him.

The three of them greeted each other and headed inside the school building. When the three left, they did not notice another red vehicle parked next to the curb. A girl with short red hair stood on the sidewalk as her father talked.

" You know what to do?" The father asked.

The short reded girl nodded and saw the car drive off as it disappeared in the busy streets.

Disclaimer: I do not own the Teen Titans

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