Birthday Surprises

Start from the beginning

I get the keys and open the door. I get my phone out to use it's light but the lights suddenly go on revealing all my friends.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" everyone yells. I hug the first person I see and say so many thank you's.

"Happy birthday girlfriend. Omg I hate Jase I swear. He made me wait to tell you," this was his idea? But where is he?

"Thanks and it's okay this is better then nothing," I look around me but I don't see Jase anywhere.

"Looking for me," I turn and see the handsome Jase Dawn holding a bouquet of red roses in his hand.

"Thank you," she says flashing me her beautiful smile as I hand her the roses.

"Happy birthday baby," I don't care who is watching I just want to kiss her and let her know that I didn't forget this day. "Your gift is waiting in your apartment," I grab her waist and pull her to me.

"Ja-" I don't let her finish. I kiss her while some people around us cheer. They know there was something going on but now I just made it official. I pull away and lead her to the front of the restaurant.

"Hope you like your cake," I say sitting her in front of the cake.

"I love it," her words and her smile make me the happiest. Scarlett has gone through so much that I will do anything to make her happy.

After cutting the cake and dancing I decide it's time I have her all to myself. I grab her hand and pull her to her office.

"Jase are we just going to sneak out of my surprise party?" she says grinning.

"Yes, we are," I open the office door and let us in before locking it behind me.

"This is beautiful," she picks up the frame I had gotten made. This one isn't of me and her it's of her parents.

"They would be proud of you baby, for the person that you have become," I wipe the tears away from her eyes. I know they are happy ones.

"Thank you, it means a lot," I take her in my arms and kiss her soft lips.

"Jase! Scarlett!" we both freeze when we hear Kylie screaming.

"What?" I ask as we make our way out to the restaurant but I am left with no words when I see the image in front of me.

"Beatrice!" Scarlett screams taking Beatrice in her arms. There is so much blood on her. She has bruises and her lips are swollen.

"Everything will be okay," Scarlett repeats to her over and over. I can't stand not being able to do anything. It's her abusive boyfriend Scarlett had told me about, I didn't know it was this bad. I make my way to Scarletts office and get Beatrices information. I get the address and make my way out to the car.

"Jase wait! What are you doing?" Scarlett asks as I am about to open the car door. Tears are still visible in her eyes. It hurts to see her suffering again.

"Something need to be done here baby," I get on my car and speed off before Scarlett can do something to stop me.


"What do you want?" asks a buff guy opening the apartment door. I answer his question by slamming my fist into his face.

"Don't fucking touch her again! She gets hurt, my girl hurts, don't ever get near her again! You understand big boy!?"

"Who the fuck are you? Beatrice ain't going no where. She coming back to me, she ain't got no one else. We love each other," I pull him up and slammed him to the wall. He was big for his age but he knew nothing about fighting.

"You love her? Then why the fuck do you hit her? And you're fucking wrong, she has people who love her now. So forget the idea of her coming back!"

I let him go and back away. I don't want to hurt him bad, just warn him. Hurting him bad won't do anything. I make my way out the door and down the apartment stairs.

"You fucking little rich boy think you can come and tell me what to do with my girl? Well guess what you can't!"

I turn around to see him holding a gun. I fall to the ground when pain shoots through making my body weaken. I try to get up but there is so much pain.

"Jase!" the last thing I hear is Scarlett's voice.

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