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Is it possible to get pregnant just by looking at a picture? I mean, I saw this and I could've sworn I felt a baby kick. Unh Jesus, he is so fine.

Please wait for the holy water to make its way to you and no, you can not dose yourself in it...

Although, I need to...

Let me do this now, it's so overdue:

I dedicate this chapter, and book, to 3_monsters_inc_ . You have been super supportive of this book and I promise you, I notice you every time. Thank you so very much, Love.

Chapter Nine II

The atmosphere was tense, as we took our seats. Carter sat me down stiffly next to him, squeezing me between himself and Jon. Danny took this without comment and sat across from me, next to Sel who sat in front of Jon, and Rose who sat in front of Carter. As usual, Mama and Daddy sat at the heads of the table.

"Carter, do you mind blessing the food?"Mama asks.

"Not at all."

We bow our heads as Carter sends a quick prayer up. It was a tradition Mama raised us with, including Sel and Carter. A tradition just as sacred as going to Church on Sundays.


"Amen."We chorus.

Immediately, we dig in and pass plates around so everyone could get what they wanted. It didn't take long for plates to be filled and silence to take over again.

"So,"Mama starts after a awkward five minutes. "Daniel, tell us about yourself."

"Yeah. What do you do? Why did you move here? Why are you after my little sister?"Jon deadpans.

I elbow Jon in his ribs, under the disguise of me coughing. Jon just glares at me.

"Well,"Danny says. "As you may know, I'm 21. I graduated from the University of Miami with a degree in Education, but I never got to put it to use. My father, Maxwell Sutton, decided to retire to Naples, Italy with my mother... and left his business, Lores Company, to me. We moved out here to Beverly Hills because the Company is stationed in L.A."Danny explains.

Everyone at the table was frozen. Except me, of course. I already knew he was the son and heir of a multi-billion dollar company. Believe me when I say, the house he lived in was nowhere near the house he could be living in making that much money.

"You're the Daniel Sutton?"Jon asks.

Danny nods. "One and only."

With a collective groan, Carter, Jon, and Daddy throw their utensils down. "Dad! You tried to assault the Daniel Sutton!"Jon exclaims.

"I know!"Daddy exclaims back.

"Dude, my bad. I was just being protective of my best friend."Carter apologizes.

I look at the ladies around the table. Bewilderment were painted on their faces, too. "Wait, wait, wait. All it took was Danny telling you guys his name and bam! You accepted him like that?"Rose asks.

"Uh yeah?"Carter says, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Rose. Your brother owns the most exclusive Private Company in the World. And when I say world, I mean world. Lores has invested in major Oil Companies, Car Companies, Stocks, Entertainers--you name it, Lores is apart of it in some way. Your brother became the youngest person to ever become a Multi-Billionare. Rose, you and your brother are the richest 21 and 18 year olds in this day and age."Jon explains. The excitement in his voice was evident.

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