But being sixteen, being this young and unable to escape into the world... it's terrifying. I'm stuck, and I might never get to see Vienna, or climb a mountain, or watch the Northern Lights from an icy plain in the middle of nowhere.

I might die completely unextraordinary.

And that's what scares me the most.

I swallow, unsure of how to answer Saffron. But then the doorbell rings, and Will and I both look up, confused.

Saffron springs to her feet. 'That'll be Reuben.'

'Why is Reuben coming round here?' Will demands. 'I thought Charlie was picking him up from yours before coming here.'

'Change of plan,' Saffron says, and she sprints downstairs. I hear the door opening, and the rustle of plastic bags as Reuben, Josh and Matt pile into the hallway. They start to joke with one another, and their voices become muffled as Saffron leads them further into the house.

Will glances over at me, his face screwing up. 'It worries me when I can't hear what they're doing.'

'They'll be fine,' I say, glad he hasn't prompted me to answer Saffron's question. 'Your Mum will keep them out of trouble.'

Suddenly, there's the sound of glass smashing downstairs. A look of alarm flashes across Will's face.

'She must have left already,' he says, panicked, and races out the door. I give it a few seconds, trying to twist my features into a cheerful expression. Then I stand up and follow him, tracking the laughter echoing out of the kitchen.

Josh and Matt are holding a mixing bowl between them, peering at the mountain of flour they've just dumped inside. Reuben's facing the table, pulling a small container out of his bag.

'You do realize you're here, like, an hour too early?' Saffron says, sitting at the counter and crossing her arms.

'Obviously,' Josh says. 'We can tell the time, you know.'

'We need to prepare,' Matt adds.

They're both wearing black band t-shirts, and I wonder if I missed the dress code memo. I've got my leather jacket with me, but I picked out a flimsy white dress this morning. It looked a lot warmer than it is.

Reuben turns around, and when I note he's wearing his usual button-down, I relax. He grins at me, his green eyes bright. 'I've told you before, Rory. Stop checking me out all the time.'

I push his arm. 'Sorry. Just can't help myself.'

His eyes flicker across my shoulders, then focus back on my face. 'You look good.'

He says it earnestly, without any trace of humour. My chest tightens for a fraction of a second. Then I laugh, and look away.

'What is that?' Will says suddenly. I can hear the disapproval in his voice. 'Oh my God. Is that weed?'

Reuben holds up the plastic container he pulled out of his bag. 'Not so much weed. More like weed butter.'

'I – what – you can't bring that in here,' Will splutters. 'My Mum will go mad.'

'But luckily your Mum is with my Mum and Dad at some wedding,' Reuben says, flicking the box lid. 'So no-one has to find out.'

'Jesus, it does stink though,' Saffron says, wrinkling her nose. 'Why do you even have it?'

A Door To NowhereWhere stories live. Discover now