Final Chapter

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So I've thought about it and I think I'll just be finishing this fanfic, I've been working on it over a year and people seem to enjoy it but I think I'll hang this story up. At the end of this final chapter I'll notify you all of my new TMI story and I hope you can all go and visit it! Thanks for being awesome and staying with me for the longest time ever!!!!!!


Moving houses for Alec was no big deal, mostly because he only lived on a few things in the first place. Magnus, on the other hand, had trouble juggling what to bring and what to keep in New York (as they would be keeping a home here for visits), ultimately he was more of a "if it fits, bring it" kind of warlock.

Because it was easy to fit things into an enchanted bag, everything fit. At one point he even threatened to throw his boyfriend in the bag. Sadly, said boyfriend would not go in the bag and also suggested that Magnus did not need to bring all his things, as the Lightwood Manor was already furnished to live in.

"Still, what about the Chairmen's things?" Magnus argued.

"You cannot honestly tell me that" Alec said, pointing to an old box Magnus hadn't looked in for years, "is his. He is not that old, he's just a cat."

"Just a cat? I'll have you know that me and the Chairmen have had more good times together with this than you can count." Magnus joked, laughing and grabbing the Chairmen in a mock attempt to run away with the cat, who hissed and jumped to the floor.

"Tell me then, what is it that is in the box?"

"Uh," Magnus furrowed his brow, still smiling and trying to scoop up a ruffled Chairmen Meow from the floor, who dodged the Warlock's attempts, "haven't you heard of secrets before?"

"Wait a moment, Magnus Bane, keeping a secret? It must be about your dad then." Despite his smiling, Alec was not totally joking. It was no secret that he was nervous the Greater Demon had power and, somehow, managed to continue bothering Magnus.

"I have plenty of secrets. For example, I never tell anyone about your-"

"Thats enough. Thank you Magnus,"

"Alexander! What did you think I was going to say?" Magnus smiled, finally grabbing hold of the cat and holding him in front of his face, "You thought I was talking about that time in the bedroom, didn't you?" Alec could see in his eyes that Magnus was smiling, despite the cat hiding his lips.

"Magnus! Shut up!" Alec threw a pillow at Magnus's feet, "And finish packing! I'm already done and you're still in your pajamas,"

"Truth be told, we both know this is not what I wear to bed," Magnus laughed, pushing Alec into the seat of the couch and placing Chairmen Meow on top of him.


With a wave of his hand, the portal was closed. The lightwood manor may be grand, Magnus thought, but it was not very stylish. Oh well, as long as there was a bed big enough for him and Alec...

Leaving their things in the entry way of the house, Alec lead Magnus up the stairs. The two if them had plans in the morning to see Jace, Charlotte, and Clary, but Magnus wondered if they could cancel. After all; there was a chance that if things went right he wouldn't sleep too much tonight.

The first bedroom they found was clean, the sheets were light blue and the walls shone gold. Although the room matched in no way and had no artistic sign in it, it was pleasant. After all, tomorrow they could find a different bedroom, one that was more fit to the two of them.

Only a few mumbled words had been said while they found this room, and only a few were said as Magnus pushed the black haired boy onto the bed, forcing his shirt off.

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