Chapter 9: Safe

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"Where do you think she has gone.." Ikki asks her father.

"I don't know Ikki." He answers honestly..

Kai hasn't said anything since he left that island. No one knows what he was probably going through. Sure Tenzin and family was suffering from the disappearance of their family members. And the others suffering from the loss of their friend. But Kai... He changed for her. He has never once felt love and because of her. He loved.. no loves her.

He remembered the day when his world was turned upside down.

He was so close and all this pain could have been avoided. Jinora would have been by his side.

Kai stared at the horizons. His hair swept to the side because of the wind. His back was arched and he leaned against the railings.

"You're out there... somewhere.. I know it." Kai mutters to himself.


She had a hat to cover her face as she walked down the crowded road. Her long ponytail brushed her back as she walks slowly so that she wouldn't attract any attention.

She has reached her destination.. Republic city.

In her hands she had a bag of coins... ready to get her hands on clothes and food.. maybe oitment for her cuts and bruises.

She smiled as the aroma made it's way to her nose.

"Finally.. proper food."

She looks up to meet the vendor's eye.

Her face could be seen in the sunlight and the fading scar on her cheek wasn't hard to miss.

"A bowl please.." She gently slides a coin on the wooden tabletop.

"Comin right up miss." The vendor works on her bowl of hot noodle soup as she sits down slowly beside a customer.

"Rough night huh?" He asks, noting down her cuts and bruises on her arms.

She ignores him.

"Here ya go miss. Hot noodle soup for a pretty young lady."

She thanks him and picks up her chopsticks to eat after making sure that her hat covered her face once again.

"Nothing? Well not a problem for me." She watches from the corner of her eye the customer place his rough hands on her thigh.

In an instant she takes his hand and judo flips him in the air, breaking the wooden stool in the process.

She smashes his head on the table and leaves him there.. groaning in pain.


Alert, she runs away from the shop and into the alley. She looks behind her to see republic city's police forces and goes up the wall onto the roof.

Hoping to hide away she jumps down again and goes a different direction. But her plan failed and she gets cornered against the wall.

With no other choice, she blast them roughly with a flick of her wrist... causing the three metal benders to fall to the ground.

She takes this chance to take the chance to slip away... Away from the police.. hoping that she didn't cause them much harm.

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