"That was some punch but I deserved it and more. I'll go. I won't bother you anymore. I am so so sorry Sophie." With that I turned my head not able to look at him as he walked out of the door and out of my life.

2 days later

I was walked around the house getting his stuff collected and I handed the bag to Jack. "Thank you for doing this Jack. I just can't bring myself to do it."

"No problem babe. Although I can't promise I won't kick his ass."

I laugh. "I wouldn't stop you even if I were there."

"That's my girl. I'll be right back with some food."

He left and I sat down on the couch. This couch held so many memories but I didn't have the money to get new things. I leaned back and sighed. It's been two days since my world shattered and I was nowhere near close to picking up the pieces. Nathan had kept his word he hasn't called, text or stopped by. I was relieved but sad.

I know it's irrational a bit but I just wanted him to in a way fight but it wouldn't matter because we were still over.

Tomorrow I had to go back to school and I didn't know if I was ready for that. Jack had been amazing the last two days. He kept me eating, he helped around the house, and he even made me laugh a few times.

Nathan used to be my best friend but Jack had slowly become my best guy friend.

Jack was back in no time. We ate and made small talk. We popped in a movie next and watched it. Out of nowhere I asked, "So how did he take it when you took him his stuff?"

"Well, he looked pretty shitty. He looked like he hasn't slept much and when I handed him the bag I think I saw his lip quiver and tears well up. He set the bag down and said thanks and then asked how you were. I told him terrible and he knew that was coming because he just stared at the ground like a sad puppy. If I didn't want to punch him so bad because of him hurting you I'd almost feel sorry for the guy." I looked at him with a glare.

"Hey I said almost."

I didn't ask anymore and Jack left it.

I was kind of a bit happy he was sad because it wasn't half of what I felt. He can feel bad and look like a sad puppy all he wanted but he's the reason for it.

The next morning I dreaded going to school again. This was becoming a pattern. I got dressed and Jack came over to walk with me. He lived on campus but he said he didn't mind since it was so close.

We walked in and there were some stares. I knew word had spread of the drama and some had even witnessed it. I'm sure my visit to the hospital made it just great for those bitches that wanted to talk bad about me behind my back I'm sure. Like, "Oh look she's playing the victim." Well bitch I am.

I went through the halls from class to class with looks of either pity or disgust.

I ate lunch by myself and then it was dreaded Math. I walked in and he was the only person there. Even the instructor had not arrived yet.

I walked over to the opposite side of the room he was on and sat down. He looked at me. I looked away. I could see him staring from the side and I hated it. You don't get to look at me anymore. Cheater.

People flooded in and soon he was listening to the teacher. The desk beside him was open and I just thought of the last time we fooled around in here. The way he touched me. How cute he was. How nervous he was at the possibility of getting caught. Everything was gone now. He then looked over at me and our eyes connected.

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