Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

I woke up not knowing where I was or why I felt so terrible. I turned my head and Jack was sitting by my side. I looked around and I had tubes coming from my arms and my nose. I was in the hospital. Jack looked at me.

"Sophie, honey how do you feel?"

My voice struggled. "Terrible. Why am I in the hospital?"

"After the dance you couldn't breathe and I couldn't get you to calm down and so I brought you here. You passed out on me and I didn't know what happened but I was scared."

"Oh. Can I get some water please?"

He smiled. "I'll go get the nurse. She wanted me to get her when you woke anyways."

With that he left and less than a minute later he was back with the nurse. She checked my vitals gave me some water. She said everything seemed fine now. That I had a panic attack. She asked some routine questions and then said she'd call the doctor and then have him decided whether to release me or not.

Jack and I sat in comfortable silence for a bit. He spoke first. "Sophie, I'm sorry."

I knew what he was referring to and I just couldn't bear to think about it. "Don't. Not now."

The doctor came in and said it was more than likely a panic attack just like the nurse had said from extreme anxiety and panic so just to be safe he wanted to keep me overnight. I wasn't ready to go back to the real world yet anyways.

Jack said he'd be back later that he was going to go change clothes and shower and pick up a few things for me.

Within a few hours Jack came back and then an hour later the nurse said I had a visitor. I was confused. Then suddenly he appeared.

My face dropped. "What the fuck are you doing here?" Jack said.

"I came to see if Sophie was alright."

I couldn't look at him.

"Sophie, do you want me to kick his ass now or later?"

"Jack, not now. Give us a minute please."

Reluctantly Jack left the room.

"Soph-" But I cut him off again.

"You don't even get to say my name right now. Shut up!"

He went silent.

"Nathan, I gave you everything. I was there for you when others just overlooked you. Why would you converse with any of those people? And why Meg? She was the one who told me to stay away from you because you were a "loser." I never thought you were a loser but she did and then you cheat on me with her. I can't forgive you for that. I don't care about your sob story anymore. Everything we had is gone now."

"I can't excuse any of it. I had a few drinks but I knew what I was doing. I knew what I was saying and to be honest when I made that stupid comment about getting lucky I wanted to go after you but I was afraid of what they would think. Its lame as fuck I know. I never cared before but they never paid attention to me like that before. They hung onto every word and the girls actually wanted to talk to me. It wasn't about Meg. I never liked her. I didn't even in that moment. It was more about the status of it. I did think of you. I know you may not believe it but I did. I knew it would end us and I did it anyways. I know I'm stupid as fuck and I hurt you. I can't make up for that. I do love you though."

I was quiet a minute. "Nathan, you are pathetic and you're right you can't make up for that. I'm in the hospital because of you. I had a panic attack after last night. You say it wasn't about her that it was a status thing and meanwhile, you told me before that you didn't think you'd ever be so lucky to have me. You had me. You did this. I was supposed to be the person that made you feel sexy and popular. You spouted all this status shit and it means nothing. I loved you when you had glasses, suspenders, and high pants. You get contacts, wear nice fitted pants and do your hair a bit different and you think its okay to act the way you did? No. You are just a terrible person. To say that you love me is not even believable now because of what you did. We are done. Never talk to me again. I'll get your things together and give them to Jack to bring by. Though I don't know because he may beat the shit out of you more than I did." I make a gesture towards his black eye.

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