"I've been told. I don't know if we're going to work out anymore." I sigh into my hands. "I don't know, it's just not working. One moment we're friends again, and then the next we are screaming at each other.

"Well when you love something, you have to let it go. In this case, you have to let Tris go. But if she loves you back, she will find a way to come back to you. That's just how it works." He tells me.

"When did you get so wise?" I tease.

"Don't know. Maybe I hang out with Shauna too much." He jokes. He changes the subject, "try outs are today, are you going?"

"When do I never show up?"

"True. Well, I'll see you later." He pats my back a few times before leaving.

I head to the last period of the day- AP English. We're currently reading the novel, Frankenstein. It's really boring although I have to pay attention to know the material.

Class ends dreadfully. As the bell finally rings, I quickly pack my books and head down to the field. But before, I go to the men's changing room and change into a light gray t-shirt and red gym shorts. I jog my way down to the field and meet Zeke and Uriah.

Out of the corner of my eye I see a blonde headed girl which talking to a boy- Tyler. I feel like I am intruding by staring at them talk. Tris smiles at something he says and he hugs her.

My chest turns and I have to peel my eyes off of them.

Focus, Tobias. Focus.

Tyler turns away from Tris and walks to the direction of the other guys trying out.

"Woah, relax." Zeke places a hand in my shoulder.

"You okay?"

"I'm fine." I tell him. "Hey, is Tyler and Tris back together?"

"No. Wait, what? They're back together?" Zeke asks bewildered.

"I don't know! I'm asking you!"

"Okay, no. Well not that I know of, no." He tells me.

"Hmph." I'm about to say something until coach calls us into a huddle.

"Okay, cupcakes, I will be testing you boys by groups determining what position you want. I'll start with the kicker." A few boys step forward and Zeke and I sit on a bench. Uriah is trying out for the position of the kicker.

"So what happened between Tris and Tyler?" He asks me once we sit down.

"I don't know, I saw them talking and then he hugged her. Call me paranoid of something but-"

"You're paranoid. Don't worry, it was probably a friendly hug."

"You sure?"

"Im sure."

Just to my luck, I am the only one trying out for QB. The recent one had graduated last year and no one bothered to tryout. However, coach still calls me.

"Eaton! Get you're arse here this instant." Coach Martin sometimes really intimidates me.

He tells me to do a few things that are really simple. He throws a football from half court and tells me to catch it. I do it with ease.

After several drills he tells me that I'm done. "Good work. Dismissed." He waves me off.

Well then.

I head back to the boy's changing room. I change back into a long sleeved simple navy blue button up shirt and khaki pants. I slip on my converse, and grab my backpack from my locker.

"Tobias! Tobias, wait up!" I immediately turn around.

Tris runs up to me. "Gosh, you take forever to change."

"What are you doing here?" I ask her.

"I finished my figure skating early and I came as quickly as possible. I saw the note you left me." She catches her breath. My heart rate speeds up. And?

"And I really appreciate you doing that for me. I forgave you a while ago, you know? It's just sometimes I wish you tried harder. But all and all, I really appreciate it. Thank you." She smiles a little. I hate how she totally dismisses the part where I practically spill out my feelings of affection I have for her.

"So are we good?" I ask, hopeful. "Best friends?"

"Tobias, you can't do that. Friendship is earned out of trust, and until I can fully trust you then we can be back to where we were a while ago." She answers.

"You don't trust me?" My voice cracks.

"You broke a promise, remember? And you swore that you wouldn't break it. And it hurt a lot when you did."

"Promise? What promise?" Oh, right.

"That you wouldn't change. That you wouldn't let Lauren effect you. You turned into a real bitch and that hurt the most out of everything." I deserved that.

"Then just you wait Tris Prior. I will gain your trust." I step closer to her. "I'll do anything and everything."

"Tobias, just start small. I have to go, I'll see you later."

That gives me hope. One, that she implies we will be hanging out another time and the fact that she's giving me another chance.

And this time, I won't screw it up.

I think about what Zeke told me earlier today. When you love somebody, you let it go. But if they love you back, then they will find a way back.

Maybe, just maybe, Tris loves me back.

And there is a spark of hope after all.

A/N: I did not expect myself to update that early. I usually try to update during the day, but whatever. I hoped you enjoyed, and have a lovely night. Bye!❤️

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