School part 2

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(Y/n pov)
A week had passed since the twin accident. We really hadn't spoken since then so I was gonna make an attempt to talk to Jace or Shima.
2 hours later.....
"Come on guys! We don't have all day!" Raina yelled. "Coming! Come on Naga" I fussed.  What is he a human girl. He peeked his head out his fur was acting up again. "Stay here" I said. "What do u think I was gonna do!" He was upset. I hate when he gets like this. I walked downstairs and told Raina what was happening. She nodded. I wasn't very popular at school, but I did have a lot of freaks staring at me. While I was thinking I had stopped walking Raina had gone ahead. I checked my phone it was 7:56! I ran stumbling along the way and I fell over a trash can my hair was all messed up and I was miserable. I kept running and I had a dog chase me and it bit me. Finally I got to school. And I was late 8:04. I went to class smelling like trash. The teacher looked at me weirdly. And paused to say "What's ur excuse for being late." I said two words "Trashcan, dog" I went to a random seat and fell asleep, little did I know I was sitting beside Shima and Jace.
Time skip to lunch....!
I was woken up by someone shaking me "Naga?" I asked half awake. I woke up more and realized it was Shima. I fell backwards out of my chair. Straight on my tail. I didn't wanna cause anymore attention so I covered my hood and cried silently as I got up. Shima pulled my hoodie down "Are u ok?" "I'm fine" I said quickly. Jace knocks Shima out of the way "Are u crying!? What did he do!?" Jace exclaimed. I smiled at him. "I'm fine and he didn't do anything." I said "Ok.... Wanna eat lunch with me and my buddies??" Jace asked. I looked around and didn't see Raina. I wanna make up with them. Ok, let's do this. "Yeah, if u buy me lunch I forgot my money!" I said. This is also really convenient. "Ya!  Come on (Y/n)!" Jace said. Me and Shima followed behind. When we got to the table I saw two girls and one boy. "Hi I'm (Y/n)!" "Is this ur girlfriend Shima?" One of the girls asked. "No, she's a friend!" He blushes slightly. Jace looked away with a weird look on his face. "Oh she's cute" The other girl said. Before I could even respond "Can I take her out on a date If she's not yours!" The boy said. Everyone went silent. Twitch. Twitch. I was too overwhelmed I ran. I ran behind the school.
(Shima's pov)
"Why did u say that!" Jace yelled at the boy. "Sorry! I didn't know she was shy" The boy said. Before I knew it I was running after her. My heart was pounding. I knew where she was, I walked behind the old school building and saw her. She looked at me and I blushed she was crying. She gave me the evil eye. "What do u want!" She pouted. "Are u ok" I said quietly. "No! I-I... can't handle this. Too many humans I wanna go home!" She started crying. What do I do. Wait. Jace gave me candy earlier, I reached down in my pocket and got a lollipop for her. I looked away and stuck my palm out in front of (Y/n). She quickly grabbed the lollipop from my hand like a child I laughed and petted her head. She did something I never would of she would do, she yawned and put her head in my lap. I blushed like a tomato but she was already asleep. I won't wake her up I thought. But what now? I yawned and everything turned black.
(Naga's pov)
Something is wrong! I can feel it! What is it.....? Layne! I ran to behind the old school building as fast as I could and saw (Y/n) sleeping on Shima's lap. I was mad as hell. What was she doing. She woke up, and saw me. Shima turned his head to face me....... "(Y/n)?"
To be continued.......

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