School part 1

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Naga's pov

I opened my eyes it was blurry at first, until I adjusted. I thought for a moment. We didn't go to sleep till 2am it's 7 now. I yawned, and shook (Y/n). She didn't budge. She smiled evily in her fake sleep. I acted like I was gonna push her off the bed and she woke up. "Morning sleepy cat!" I yelled she flew off the bed into the wall which didn't help. I was laughing so hard I fell off the bed my self. "Stupid, Naga." She nodded her head like she was disappointed. Mrs.Simi came in the room. "Come on down stairs for some breakfast! I got news!" She said happily. She handed me and (Y/n) some clothes. (Y/n) went in the closet and changed very quickly. She went out of the room as I followed her. We had on some type of uniform.We went downstairs, where Raina had a bag. Me and (y/n) know a lot more than normal people. We were educated till we were 13 years old. We know about as much as the average college bachelor. "So mom what's the big news?" Raina asked rather impolite. "Well it's about Naga, and (y/n). Scientist called last night about two nekos missing. I know that your neko dears. I told the scientist what I thought, they said I could be your guardian. On one condition, you have to see them once a month. Also they told me, that you knew more than Raina did. So they gave me a lot of money to take care of you guys. Also you will be going to school with Raina. "WHAT, interact with humans no no no!?" (Y/n) was in full panicking mode. "Will you calm down, I will be here." I tried to calm her down, it worked. "You have too dear, I'm very sorry." She said sadly. "Mom, this is bull!" Raina said. Mrs.Simi frowned, "Hey raina you should be nicer to your mom, she does everything for you, don't you care?" I said surprisingly kind. "I'm sorry for snapping mom." Raina said apologetically. "Mrs.Simi don't we have to go to school now?" (Y/n) asked. "Oh yes , oh my, run along now!" She pushed me, (y/n), and Raina out the door. I had me, and the girls bookbags. Wow school huh, this should be interesting? "(Y/n), can you possibly not have your ears, and tail out?" Raina said. "Fine, so what is school like? Me, and Naga always thought it would be fun, when we were little." (Y/n) said. "No I did not, I used to hate humans! Sometimes I think you have personal amnesia?" I said. "Your real loud ya know that?" She smircked, I just rolled my eyes. "Hey Rain what's up?" Some boy walking towards Raina said, (Y/n) hid behind me. The boy looked at me, then at Raina. "Hey Jace, this is Naga, and (y/n) they are transfer students." Raina replied. "Coolio, well I guess I will walk to school with you guys since I'm already here." Jace said. "You still haven't answered me question? What is school like?" (Y/n) picked the conversation. "Well there is a lot of people there, you have to learn stuff, you also eat lunch there." Raina said. "Wait, you've never been to a school, or even socialise?" Jace questioned Me. (Y/n) came out from behind me and said,"Ok mister, there is plenty of stuff I have done that you haven't. There is plenty of stuff you have done that me and Naga haven't done that you have, there is no need to interrogate me." I face palmed, and flicked (y/n) on the back of the head, she gave me the cold stare. "Hey what did I do?" I asked her. "Is he the only normal one?" Jace asked Raina as he pointed to me. She ran off and said "I know where it is I passed it on my way from the lab!" "Hey wait!" Jace ran after her. I didn't go after her. "Aren't you gonna go after them?" Raina asked. I shook my head, then she said"Why don't you talk a lot?" "I don't wanna be overwhelmed. That's what happened with (y/n)." I said. "Oh," She said.

(Y/n) pov (flashback to when she took off)

Too many new things, too much talking, I have to do this I don't wanna go back. I was crying again, leaning against the school building in the back. Jace was looking for me, that boy was so familiar. He found me, I could sense his presence I didn't look up. "Hey, are you ok you shouldn't take off running like that. I'm sure Naga, and Raina are worried." He said kindly. I looked up, are all humans this nice? I took his hand and got up. I smiled a big bright smile like the ones you do when you get candy. I'm smaller than regular humans for my age. "Do you have any candy?" I asked Jace. He smiled,"Yup!" He gave me some chocolate. "Thank you!" I hugged him, he looked surprised. "Lets go to school!" I took his hand, and went into the building. "Where do I go?" I asked him. "Uh, well I really don't know?" He stammered. "Naga!" I yelled, half of the humans were looking at me and jace. I hid behind him, being the only human I know. Naga was walking towards me, and said "Your real stupid sometimes, you forget your school supplies, and me,"and dragged me to a room with a handful of students. He sat down at a desk and I sat beside him. There was a teacher in the front of the room." Class we have two new students today come up please. Me and Naga stood up and walked, to the front of the room. "I'm (y/n)." I said,"I'm Naga," he said. I walked back to where I was so did Naga.

.Time skip to lunch. (Naga's pov)

I flinched as the loud bell rung. I took (y/n)'s  hand and headed to the lunch room. I had a 20 dollar bill we could buy lunch with. "Hey Naga, where do we sit?'' (Y/n)  asked, I pointed to a small table with no one sitting there. "Okie dokie, I'm hungry where's the food?" (Y/n) asked. "You act like I have been going here longer than you have." I said as I rolled my eyes. Raina suddenly popped up from behind me, and said,"I will get you something!" "Ok, hurry up!" (Y/n) yelled causing the tables around me to look at her. "Hey, why is there a ten year old here?" A person asked. "I don't know?" Jace was in the group, and said "She is not a freaking ten year old! What wrong with you guys?" (Y/n) had her head down, then it popped up. She got a candy bar, and started eating it."Yummy!" She said as she ate it, her tail and ears popped up. Jace, and his buddies were starring at her. "Hey, Naga you should try some of Jaces candy bars." (Y/n), feel your head," I said as I shaked  my head. She felt her ears. "Oops!" She said. As they went away. "(Y/n), why did you do that?" Raina said as she came to us with some fish, and fries. "Sorry," she said starring at the food. "Here, and don't do it again." Raina said to her, as she handed me and her the food. "Fish, yummy!" (Y/n) said as she ate her food, she had it gone within seconds. Everyone else was minding their own business while, Jace's buddies were watching (y/n) closely. Raina had gone off with her friends. Jace walked up to where was sitting, and sat beside her. "Hey (Y/n), what was up with those ears and tail back there?"

(Y/n) looked up and blushed, then looked back down. "Should I tell him?" She asked me. I rolled my eyes," Do what you want, I would he probably won't stop bothering you." I remarked. "Hey! Your right!" Jace said, I laughed. "Ok then, Jace I'm a neko." (Y/n) said. "Like, the cat half, and half! That's cool, man I wish I had cat ears!"

(Y/n) pov

He thinks it's cool. "Thanks! Umm did you happen to have a friend that was taken away when you were 8 ? I asked, I think I knew who he was. "Yeah how did you know?" Jace asked me. "What was her name?" I asked. "Hmm? I think it was (Y-...) (Y/n) He hugged me, I stuck my tounge out. "You miss me?" I asked, he blushed and said"Well ya kind--" ring!!!! "Gotta go where do you live?" He asked. "At Raina house, don't ask questions!" As I was about to leave he said,"I will come by later!"

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