A PopStar And A Rockstar Can't Be Friends?!

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"Sweetie, would you like to stay around Niall' tonight?" I nodded with a grin on my face. I jumped off of my chair and ran up to my room and grabbed my pink bag. I put my blanket and favourite toy inside, as well as my pyjamas. I stayed around Niall' a few times, and it was always fun! We stayed up till 10 playing games and telling jokes, and sometimes playing pranks on Greg as he would pretend to be a bear and chase after us. Mummy came into my room and put some clothes in my bag before picking me up and taking me downstairs.

"Now Megan, please be good for Niall' mum tonight." She opened the front door and walked towards Niall' house.

" I will Mummy. I promise" I replied and kissed her cheek quickly. She smiled and put me down in front of Niall' door. Mummy knocked and soon, Niall' mum opened the door.

"Hi Elaine, and Hello Megan!" She waved at me and I hugged her quickly. I loved Niall' mum, she was so nice!! I turned around to my mummy and hugged her before walking into Niall' house.

"Niall is in his room with Greg Megan" Niall' mum told me, and I nodded before walking up e stairs. I was about halfway up the stairs when I heard my mummy speak.

"Oh Maura! I can't believe he's left us!" I heard my mummy start to cry, so I hurried up the stairs to Niall' room. It's like all the other times I had seen heard her cry.

Niall' room was the first room on the left and his door was covered in little sayings that we had come up with. His mummy wasn't happy with us, but she said that it was better than us writing on the walls. I knocked on the door and Niall opened it. He was shocked to see me before he put his arms around me in a bear hug

"Megz!!" He shouted, making me laugh.

"Ni!!" I returned. We pulled apart and he pulled me into his room. Greg was sat on Niall' bed, but as soon as he saw me he smiled and stood up.

"Hey Megan, I'll see you later Niall" he patted Niall on the head before leaving the room.

"Whatcha doing over here Megz? I thought we were going to do something in the morning?" I explained everything to Niall, and he listened with wide eyes and a small smile on his face. Once I had finished explaining, his smile grew wider

"Sleepover!!" He shouted! For the rest of the evening we just played games, and by 10, we both were in bed. It was such a fun packed day, that I fell asleep within moments of my head hitting the pillow.

The next morning, Niall and I had breakfast before I went back home. I told Niall that I had to take all my things home, and I would meet him at his house once it was done. I walked out of Niall' door, and saw my mummy and daddy shouting at each other. I've never seen this before, and I was really scared.

"You cheated on me Will, so don't even bother coming back!"

"I'm not! I'm coming to get my stuff and go and see my other children and my fiancée!"

"Don't you even care about Megan anymore?!" I heard my name and knew that something bad was happening... Was I the cause?

"Yeah I do actually! I'm getting custody of her in two weeks time, unless you and her move out of this house and find another home. Charlotte wants a bigger house for Steve and Maya and this one is the perfect size."

My mummy walked up to my daddy and hit him around the face. He fell back and I gasped. Mummy turned around and looked at me. She then came over to me and picked me up.

"Sorry you had to see that honey, it's all over now" she walked back towards the house, and as I looked over her shoulder, I could see daddy getting back up with some red stuff coming out of his nose and landing on the green grass. Once we were in the house, mummy put me down and locked the door. The only times she locks the door is when I'm fast asleep. I'm not asleep now!

"Can I go to Niall' house please?" I asked, knowing the answer.

"No" I felt sad instantly.

"Why?!" I said, almost shouting.

"Because I said so. Your going to stay here till I say you can leave!" I ran to my room and hid for the rest of the day. A day turned into 2 days then turned into 3 days. I stayed in my room for three days till I could come out for school. I got dressed and rushed out the door to catch the bus. I got on and saw Niall. I smiled a wide smile and moved towards him, but a curly hairs boy with bright green eyes sat next to him and started talking. I felt sad, but I knew Niall would always be my best friend. I sat near the front, and waited patiently till we got to school. Once off the bus I waited for Niall to jump off, and when I saw him get off, I ran towards him only to be stopped by the curly haired boy again.

"Ni!!!" I shouted, trying to get his attention but he ignored me. I frowned and made my way to my classroom. At lunch, I was going to talk to Niall and see what the matter is.

The school day zoomed by and soon, it was lunch. I went to where Niall and I sat all the time and waited for him, and soon saw his chocolate coloured hair walking towards me. I waved and smiled and tried tonged his attention, but the curly haired boy was still there with him. I guess we could have a new friend, but Niall was always going to be my best friend.

"Hey Ni, how are you?" I said as soon as he was close enough to hear me.

" I'm good thanks. How are you?"

"Better now that my best friend is talking to me again" I saw the curly haired boy look at Niall and then back at me.

" Niall, aren't I your best friend?" He asked. Niall looked at him and then back at me.

" Megan can I talk to you please?" I nodded and he pulled me away from the curly haired boy.

" what do you need to talk about?" I asked.

" we can't be friends anymore. Your too young and a girl, as well as that you disappeared for ages and left me on my own. Harry is my new best friend. Niall was my only friend. We got home and mummy cuddled me till I stopped crying.

" honey, I need to tell you something." I looked at her so she could tell me.

"We're moving." I nodded, thinking nothing of it. That way I wouldn't have to see Niall ever again.

"We're moving far away, to a place called London. It's in England so we have to leave Ireland." I looked at her and smiled.

" ok mummy." I wanted to make mummy smile again, and this did. She told me we only had 2 days to pack everything up and get on a plane that will take us to our new home, London.

Mummy helped me pack all my stuff up in brown boxes and put them into a van that will take it to England. Once everything was packed, mummy hugged me and pulled me outside to look at the house. All my life I had lived here, and now I was moving away. From my best fri- EX Best friend and my school.

" time to go" mummy said before putting me into the car and putting my seat belt around me. Once she had, she walked over to where she sits, and I looked out the window, taking one last look. The one thing I can remember, was Niall looking out the window, staring at me, before my mum drove towards where the aeroplanes were.

======================================================================= A/N hey guys!! This is my new story that I'm writing!! Please comment and fan and tell your friends!! This one is one of my favourites, and I'm hoping you all like it too!!



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