twelve - studying

Start from the beginning

Shaking off his shocked feeling, Austin picks up an arm full of her clothes and puts them in the basket. "That was amazing; I didn't know you could think like that."

Ally smiles as she writes the stuff down that she has said in her notebook. "Thank you, I guess. I think I got it after my grandmother; she used to write children's books."

"Do you want to be a writer when you get older? An author?" Austin asks, throwing a fruit snack wrapper in her small garbage basket. He finishes the floor and starts to organize her papers.

"I don't know what I want to be, honestly," she says honestly with a sigh. "Laura had her life planned out at this point and now she's in college. In just two more years, she'll be working for her teaching degree."

"You're not Laura."

"I know that, but---"

"Then don't compare yourself to your sister."

"It's hard not to. I mean, she's my sister! She has a nice job that pays well, she's in college, and, as much as I don't want to admit it, she has a sweet boyfriend."

"Ally, do you realize none of those were planned?" Austin asks her, walking over to the bed and sitting next to her. "Laura could've gotten a crappy job, I'm sure she didn't expect to get in DVERS (idk) because they barely accept anyone unless you're close to perfect, and Ross asking her out wasn't planned at all."

Ally sighs and looks up to meet his frowning face. Before she can stop herself, Ally's wrapping Austin into a hug, throwing her arms around his neck, her head in his shoulder.

The hug catches Austin off guard, so he falls back on the bed, laughing a bit. He returns the feeling and squeezes her body. "You're soo warming up to me," he teases, making her laugh.

"I know, and I kind of feel good about that."

--- --- ---

"Can we take a break?" Ally whines, falling back on her bed. "I'm stressed, tired, and overworked."

"We've only been working for an hour and thirty minutes."

"Exactly!" Ally exclaims in exasperation, covering her face with her arms. "I'm dying from exhaustion!"

Austin laughs and says, "You're most likely dying from laziness."

"Same difference, Blondie."

"Thought I was Clumsy?"

"Shut up," Ally murmurs, sitting up and scooting back to her pillows and lays there. "how are you and Valerie?"

Austin groans and lays down on the mattress. On her stretched out legs, to be exact. "She fucking kissed me today at school," before she could get the chance to congratulate him, he cuts her off. "and it was all because of her ex was flirting with another girl. She forced herself upon me and grabbed my wrists so, I couldn't push her off. It was horrible."

Ally then frowns and sits up. "That's sexual assault; did you tell anyone?"

"I tried to tell Mr. Jamis, the coach, but he just patted me on the back and 'nice to see you finally maned up, Moon.'"

"First of all, I hate the fact that males can get sexual assaulted and harassed and no one do shit about it, because all male are supposedly so evil to mankind. And 'man up' is such such a fucking sexist thing to say! Gosh, I hate this fucking world!"

Austin's eyes widen a bit and he sits up, too, grabbing her wrists when he sees she's digging her nails into her palm. "Hey, hey, hey, Ally, I'm fine. I mean, it was just a little kiss---"

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