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Amelia's POV
I'm officially on the second trimester of pregnancy and finally the morning sickness has stopped. The cramps have gotten worse but I've learnt to deal with them as they come and go on a regular basis now. We are about to go back to England where the boys have a house they all share and as Niall wants me to stay with him so he can experience the pregnancy he invited me over.

I was getting dressed into my comfiest clothes as we were on a 24 hour flight and I was depressed to see my belly bigger then ever! I slipped on some of Niall's sweats and one of his t-shirts that we're starting to fit me! They use to be like a dress on me. Seeing myself like this made me incredibly self conscious and before I knew it I was in the floor crying, and I can assure you my sons weren't quiet. It didn't take long for Niall to find me curled in a small bowl leaning against my bed.
He rushed over to me hugging me from my side.

"Hey, what up love?" He hushed me as I continued to sob. I know it's stupid but between me being fat, self conscious and my hormones being all over the place could you really blame?

"I'm fat!" I cried and Niall's eyes widened rubbing my back shaking his head.

"No babe no, your not your growing because of our baby, the more you grow the more healthy our baby is, the more you grow the sooner we get to see our baby. Your not fat love, stop thinking that," he said looking into my teary drained eyes. That's one of the things I loved about Niall when we were dating, he always knew what to say to make you feel better and he gave the best hugs.

I nodded my head slightly before we both stood up together his arms never leaving my side. When we stood up he pulled me into one of his famous Horan Hugs where he wrapped his arms round you like you couldn't be harmed by anything. As long as I was with him I was safe.

"Listen, no matter how you look, you'll always be beautiful to me," he said pulling away from the hug looking into my big brown eyes. His arms held onto my shoulders and he almost demanded in his body movement that I believe what he was telling me.

But I thought of something...

"Niall, the fans," and that was enough to turn him white.

Niall's POV (YEY!)
I pulled Millie out into the main room where all the boys were. They all looked at us as we entered and gave us worried looks as they saw our facial expressions. Thing is if the fans saw not only would that call a lot of upset to everyone but soon management would find out which would cause big problems. Shit.

"Guys, what we gonna tell fans," I said my voice still laced with panic. I could see the boys faces turn from chilled to worried. This was something none of us had thought about and now it was clear that Millie was pregnant and it wasn't just her eating to many cupcakes we had to face a dilemma.

"Baggy clothes?" Harry suggested but I shook my head. That wouldn't work.

"How about we all hide her, maybe like form a shield around her, or we could disguise her and say it was an older friend of Louis?" Liam thought and I actually listened. If we disguised her we could say she was just coming to visit. I nodded my head before looking to Millie. She too had a big smile on her face and rushed off to the bathroom to disguise herself. Us guys just decided to play FIFA while we waited for her which took about half an hour.

When she entered the room I was shocked. She looked nothing like Mils. He hair was down and straightened, her makeup was done more so she looked older and she had sunglasses on which made it look even more convincing.

"Wow, when did you turn into a 30 year old," I gasped and she gave me a short glare before turning into a smile. She had also brought her suitcase with her as it was time to go to the airport.

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