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(Scarlett on side)

Amelia's POV
I was rudely woken up by the buzzing of my phone. It completely surprised me as I hadn't even set an alarm hoping to sleep in. When my phone only vibrated write I realised it was a text message and drowsily grabbed it off the nightstand.

Hey babe wanna meet up for a coffee heard you were in town?xxx

Defo Hon, what about Starbucks on Walworth street at 2?xxx

Perfect see ya there!xxx

I rested my phone on the nightstand once again after looking at the time, ten o'clock. My sister Scarlett, was eighteen, three years younger then me, and she moved to Australia when she was sixteen with her best friend Jasmine. Herself and mom didn't get along as well as I did so she decided she needed a new start. It was devastating for me when I found out because me and her were like twins. We could never be separated especially as kids but obviously her moving the other side of the world meant we couldn't see each other as much.

I lumbered out of bed and went into the bathroom, brushing my teeth and do my hair and make up. I quickly brushed through my waves and applied minimal makeup, just to hide the blemishes. After, I wondered into my bedroom, pulling out a white lacy top and down denim shirt savouring the weather whilst I could, and also enjoying the last of my un-fat body for six months. I also slipped on sown sand les and slipped my sunglasses onto my head. Once I was complete I wandered into the kitchen to get myself some breakfast. Harry and Louis were playing on the Xbox, Liam was scrolling through his phone, Zayn was probably still in bed and Niall was eating, as usual, in the kitchen.

"Hey guys," I waved to all of them and I got a few hellos back and are you okay now since my little episode from last night. Grabbing some Cantaloupe watermelon, Greek yogurt, berries and strawberries out the fridge I started making my breakfast. I cut the melon in half in seeding the side I was about to eat. I put a few spoon fully of yogurt in the whole and added some cut strawberries and berries on top. Finally I grabbed a spoon and started eating at the island table.

"What happened to you last night, one minute you were having a bath next minute your asleep?" Niall asked glancing up at me.

"Hey pregnancy is tiring I was shattered from puking and cramps," I laughed shoving another spoonful of food into my mouth. When I realised the time I quickly put everything away and ran to grab my bag.

"Guys, can i borrow anyone's car for the day, I'm going to go meet Scarlett?" I asked and Louis chucked me his keys. I shifted tanks to him and ran out the door and into Louis's car.

It took the minutes to get to Starbucks and by the time I got there it was 2pm. Waking in I went up to the counter and ordered a Carmel Creme Frappe. One of my favourite summer drinks. I noticed out the corner of my eye, Scarlett on her phone and I silently squealed. It had been so long. After I was given my drink and I had paid I practically ran over to her and jumped on her causing her to laugh.

"Amelia!" She cried hugging me tightly. It was only then I realised I hadn't told her about me being pregnant and my mouth fell ajar.

"OMG Scar, I haves I much to tell you!" She had grown so much and she was so gorgeous.

"Tell me everything, why are you here, you and Niall broke up?" She used to love Niall. Even though she was only three year younger she was always tiny and he would treat her like a little sister. Always playing with her, carrying her, tickling her. When she found out we broke up she was so sad, for a moment I thought more then me!

"I'm well yeh, I'm pregnant," I whispers not knowing if Niall wanted a lot of people to know about it yet. Her face was blank for a moment as she tried to register was I just set before her hand covered her mouth. She was actually speechless!

"No, I-I'm gonna- I'm gonna have a niece or nephew?!" Her voice was quiet but excitement filled her. I nodded smiling a bit. She jumped up from the chair and gave me a massive hug. She almost started crying for a moment.


We decided to walk round for a bit after out Starbucks aimlessly wandering to shops. Scarlett, being her usual self managed to spend $60 already on random shit. She had seen a small white teddy bear that she thought my baby would like. There was a pink and blue one but obviously she didn't know the gender so she picked white, universal.

We walked into a shop called 'Baba' as she wanted to see all the cute baby stuff which I had to admit was pretty adorable. I couldn't wait to go shopping when we knew the gender. After 2 hours of aimless walking we decided to go home. I invited her round for a bit but she obliges insisting that she had to get back to Dean, her 1 year boyfriend. I happily accepted but made sure we kept in contact. Driving back seemed to go quicker then on the way and when I got back it was nearing 6pm. It was only then I realised I was starving. We forgot to have lunch. I saw a bag of crisps sitting on the worktop and couldn't resist. Within two minutes the packet was finished. It wasn't enough though. Just then Harry walked in and got something out of the oven. Ooh lasagne.

"Haz, how much of that are you gonna eat?" I asked looking at the big portion in the dish. Without thought he got out two plates and loaded them with lasagne. I thanked him and ate it quickly. It was Devine.

Soon I got sleepy and decided to fall asleep on the couch all by myself.


Okay don't diss the bad writing, I'm tired. I'm writing this at 1am. Anyways short authors note because I have nothing to say really.

50 reads my next chapter?

Love you
Hales xx


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