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It had been a week since Niall found out about me being pregnant and although I was more then happy he accepted it, it seemed Harry was more excited then Niall. Harry had been so good to me lately, rubbing my back when I had morning sickness, buying me my food cravings (even if they were at 3am) and even gave me masssgaes. Niall just seemed to ignore me, ignore the whole situation actually. He had even been ignoring the boys lately.

I had a quick bath before changing into a dark grey Nike jumper and some black leggins. We were having a day in today to just relax as the boys had been doing non-stop shows. We had decided to watch Grease, Bad Neighbours and Pitch Perfect (my choice) while eating take-out and stuffing our faces with junk food.

"Can I have the salt please?" I asked Niall as he was closest to it.

"Can't you get it yourself?" He grunted back watching the tv once again.

"Your right next to it Niall," I replied getting irritated by his selfish ways.

"Just because your pregnant doesn't mean you have to be a bitch and a lazy cow," he mumbled loud enough for me and everyone else to here. The room suddenly grew silent, where you could here a pin drop. I heard Harry drop his fork and everyone (apart from Niall and I) gave him daggers. I was too busy sussing out what the hell was wrong with Niall.

"Fine then, if you seriously think I will put up with you like this then think again, this is YOUR child Niall and for the record I do a hell of a lot so I can keep this baby, but let me tell you if you carry on like this maybe you shouldn't be apart of its life at all!" I hollered at him heading into my bedroom. Slamming the door I paced back and forth until I decided to go on a run.

I slipped on my running gear (pic on side) and ran outside. I ignored the calls of my name from the boys and ran. About 3 miles from the boys house was a park where I loved going. Running through with my headphones in my ears I had a smile on my face as the thoughts drifted away. After around 2 hours of running I decided to sit down on a bench and drink some water I had brought with me. I retied my shoes and chugged the water. Sweat was brimming from my forehead yet it was still a cold day. After around 20mins of resting I saw it was getting dark and I should get home. I slowly jogged back to the house and made it there at about 9. All the boys, including Niall, were stood at the door worried sick. Niall seemed to have gone pale and had a tear stained face. I knew the tears couldn't possibly be for me because of earlier.

After having a long warm shower I changed into leggings and a black jumper. I made myself a sandwich and a cup of tea as I had stormed out before eating my meal, and I didn't want to starve myself as I had two people to care for now.

Once I had finished I lay in my bed thinking about random things, Niall in particular, something about him changed from when we were dating, he didn't seem his happy go-lucky self. My eyes slowly fluttered close as j drifted off into a darkness, a million thoughts racing through my mind.


Really short filler chapter, sorry guys I just wanted to update next will be better!!

Thank you!

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