johnny cade ➼ age doesn't matter

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Request: Can you do one were your 13ish and are the Curtis's sister and you have a huge crush on Johnny and he finds out but he doesn't care about your age because he loves you too and you guys go out and they have the best time! Thx!

Warning(s): None

Word Count: 1.2K

     It was only a three year difference, it wasn't that big of a deal, was it? In your mind, it definitely was

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     It was only a three year difference, it wasn't that big of a deal, was it? In your mind, it definitely was. You couldn't get over the fact that your crush had to be Johnny Cade. The sixteen year old boy who you've had your heart set on ever since he accidentally threw that football at your face. Johnny wasn't the very best at football, which resulted you getting a black eye. Although you were in loads of pain, Johnny was there by your side, taking good care of you.

     It wasn't until that night where you had realized that you had feelings for somebody you'd never expected to ever fall for. It wasn't that Johnny Cade was disgusting and repulsive, he was actually quite the opposite. He was charming and delightful. The thing is, when you gain crushes, you always keep them to yourselves, and never—under no circumstances—tell anybody. Not even your three older brothers.

     Silently admiring Johnny from afar was good enough. Being exposed wasn't the only fear that you had, but the reaction of him and his brothers was too scary to even think of. The three year age gap was a ginormous deal when it came to your brothers. They didn't even want you to date guys your age. They were that overprotective.

     It was difficult trying to get over the crush of Johnny when he's over at your house all the time. He wasn't the most rambunctious person ever, which was what you liked about him most. He was quiet, sweet and respectful. You really enjoyed his presence.

     The sound of your bedroom door being knocked on stirred you out of your thoughts, followed by the voice of the eldest brother, Darrel.

"Dinner is ready sis."

     And with that being said, you left your bedroom and made your way to the kitchen. Immediately, your nose inhaled the most delightful smell. You loved it when Darrel made dinner. He always created delicious meals. When you arrived in the room with the dinner table, the only open seat at the table was the one beside Johnny.

     Instant fear washed over you. You always became a nervous wreck whenever you were anywhere near Johnny. Darrel brushed past you with the last two platefuls of mash potato's, but paused when he noticed you lingered in the same spot. Your eyes fixed on a certain spot.

"Are you coming to eat with us (Y/N)?"

You blinked out of your thoughts."You know Darry, on second thought, my stomach ain't feelin' too well," you drawled, raising suspicion within your brother. "I think I'll just um, sit this one out."

"On mash potato night?" darrel asked, raising his eyebrow. "The roast beef is nice and large tonight."

     You squeeze your eyes shut, internally arguing with yourself to just suck it up and sit next to Johnny. Roast beef and mashed potato's was your favorite food in the world. Your love for roast beef and mash potato's was the same love as your brothers had for chocolate cake. That says a lot. Releasing a sigh of a relief, you gave in. Darrel smiled at you and proceeded toward the table, with you right behind him.

     Johnny was currently listening to Dallas. The empty seat right next to him was practically calling your name. Every step you took toward the seat and closer to Johnny, your head was flooding with constant thoughts. The butterflies in your stomach weren't leaving anytime soon either. You inhale deeply when you finally reached the seat.

     Pulling out the chair, you gently placed yourself inside the seat. It wasn't long until your leg commenced to rapidly bounce up and down. You kept your eyes forward, not trying to draw any attention to yourself in anyway. You could feel your body begin to weaken when Johnny turned his head and looked at you.

"Hey (Y/N)." he spoke casually. "I um, I like your necklace."


     You wanted to slap yourself, you weren't responding like you wanted to. Johnny deserved more than a simple "Thanks." Johnny could see that you were uncomfortable and turned back toward Dallas to continue the conversation. As Darrel passed out the platefuls of mashed potato's and roast beef, you thought up a plan to escape the awkward situation.

"I'm going to go fill this cup up with some water." you announced, gripping onto the empty cup in front of you. "I uh, yeah."

     You scoot out from underneath the table and rush off into the kitchen. The boys exchanged looks with each other in bewilderment. Most of the boys just shrugged it off and continued to dig into their dinner, as for Johnny, he wanted to know what sparked that unusual action. Johnny scooted out from the table as well and walked into the kitchen, finding you filling up your cup inside the sink.

"(Y/N)? Are you okay?" johnny asked softly. You shot your head up and snapped your eyes at Johnny. Your heart beat instantly picked up its pace. "I was just wondering if you're okay. You've never really acted like that before."

     You shut off the sink and turned toward Johnny who was now walking up to you, his hands sliding into the pockets of his jean jacket. You took the cup of water and thought you could just walk out of the kitchen without having to respond to Johnny, but he didn't let you off right away. He stepped in front of you, preventing you to leave.

"(Y/N), why do I always get a feeling that you don't want to talk to me?" johnny asked, only receiving the same answer he's been getting from you all night, nothing. "I know you like me (Y/N)."

"Y-You do?" you asked softly, swinging your eyes up to meet with his earthy brown eyes. "I- how did you find out? I never told nobody."

"Nobody told me nothin' (Y/N), it was just a theory I had." johnny admitted, a sly smirk spreading across his lips. "Which from your response, is true."

"I'm thirteen though Johnnycakes," you reminded, frowning unhappily. "you're sixteen. That three year age gap probably ain't gonna make you too happy."

"Are you kiddin' me (Y/N)? I don't care about your age." johnny admitted, smiling brightly at you. "Age don't matter when it comes to love, which is exactly what I am with you. I'm in love with you (Y/N)."

"But Johnny, I-"

     Johnny interrupted you and swooped in, clashing his lips on yours. Goosebumps ran all along your body. The grip on your cup loosened and the cup of water slid out of your hand and fell onto the ground, creating a loud noise. Johnny pulled away as he heard the chattering among the boys in the other room, wondering what that noise was. You hastily grab a two rags on the counter and tossed one to Johnny.

     You both drop down to the ground of where the puddle of water was and began cleaning it up. The footsteps of the gang soon entered the kitchen. They saw that you two were just innocently cleaning up a mess and looked at each other. The gang had always thought you and Johnny were cute together, so instead of saying anything, they just let it be.

> < > < > < > <

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- LilyHemsworth

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