Chapter 1

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Your P.o.V
{7 am}
~you're asleep~
I was in a strange room that was very poorly lit,I looked around and it appeared to be a dining room. I was sitting at a long,elegant dining table and at the head of the table sat a boy with dark blue hair,and an eyepatch...
Who is that? Why do I keep seeing him in my dreams? 
Only then was I snapped out of my thoughts by the boy who was now speaking...only it wasn't his voice for it resembled the voice of my butler,Zachary.
Boy's P.o.V
Your P.o.V
~in reality~
I was groaning and turned on my side. I slowly woke up to find Zachary opening the curtains letting in the dreaded sunlight. My (h/c) locks were all tangled and twisted.
Zachary's P.o.V
"I must say you look as beautiful as always,young mistress,"I sarcastically joked. "What have I told you about being sarcastic Zachary."she replied sternly. "Many apologies young mistress."I said with a bow,"That's better,"she smirked. I left the room for the young mistress to get dressed,I sent in Evelyn,her personal maid,to help her with her corset.
Your P.o.V
~in your bedroom with Evelyn~
"Come on,Evelyn tighter..."I said while she was fixing my corset. "Yes young mistress" she replied. I eventually got my corset on and put on my (y/f/c) dress. Then I went downstairs for breakfast. Zachary listed the things prepared for breakfast. After breakfast I went back to my study.
Alright I'm going to end it there...for now. plz let me know what you think and hopefully I can continue to update it. See ya, Olivia

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