Chapter Sixteen

Depuis le début

    Max pointed his Ghost Zapper towards Gibby, Freddie, Taylor, Frankie, Henry, Dice, Cat, and I. He looked down at it and read what was on its screen.

    "Hmm, according to my Ghost Zapper, there are three ghosts nearby," Max observed, "And since Mr. Preston, Louie, and Miles are ghosts, that must mean that they are telling the truth!"

    I always thought it was so odd that the ghosts had just left as soon as Nora said, "Sometimes I wish that we would have never became friends so none of these awful things would have never happened to us!"

    But, I know that she didn't really mean that. I know that deep down inside, Nora really loves each and every one of us. She was just really frustrated at the time. I mean, she even explained to us that the only reason that she had said that was because if we had never met, none of those terrible things would have happened to us. All of the sudden, I remembered something that Taylor had said shortly after that.

    "But if we would of never met, all of those horrible things would of happened anyway, and the situation would have been a lot worse!" Taylor told Nora.

        Nora cocked her head at Taylor. "What do you mean by that?"

    "Alright, let's just say that Sam, Phoebe, Cat, and I never decided to enter the Countrywide Sate Essay Contest. Do you think that would of stopped The Dark Twister and The Dark Hurricane from kidnapping Max, Phoebe, Carly, and Nevel?"

    Nora thought for a moment. "I suppose not."

    "And since you, Mr. and Mrs. Thunderman, Billy, and Dr. Colosso would of been further away, do you think you would have gotten to that deserted island so fast?"

    Nora shook her head. "No."

    "And since it would have been just you guys, do you think that you would have been as easy to beat them as it was?"

    "No, it wouldn't of been."

    "And do you think that Max, Phoebe, and Carly-"

    "I get your point, Taylor. Thank you for making me realize that. You guys are the greatest best friends in the world that anyone could ask for and I am the luckiest girl in the world to have you all! I shouldn't of said that. I guess that since I was so mad, it came out wrong. What I should've said that was if we would of never met, all of his wouldn't be dragged into so much drama."

    "But if we we never got dragged into it, some of us could of gotten really hurt and some of our lives could of been affected in a really bad way," Miles stated, "It's better to have a bunch of people suffer a little bit than to have a small group of people severely injured."

    "You know what, Miles?" A semi-tall teenage girl who had brown, wavy hair and brown eyes began, "You're right! You're really smart!"

    "Aww, thanks, Tori!"

    And boy was Taylor right about what she said!

    "But what if she wasn't the only one who thought about that?" I thought to myself, "What if what Nora said gave our enemies the idea to split us apart because they knew that we would be much weaker without our large circle of friendship? If so, how could they have done it?"

    That's when I started to think about the crazy dream that Phoebe had that one night just a little bit before Charlotte, Dice, Cat, Taylor, Frankie, Gibby, Freddie, and Henry got possessed.

    "PHOEBE, WAKE UP ALREADY!!!" Max hollered at Phoebe, causing her to open my eyes back up.

    Phoebe to look at her surroundings. She was lying in her turquoise bed in her mostly-blue room and Mom, Hank, Max, Nora, Billy, and I were all surrounding her. She sat straight up in her bed and looked at us.

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