Chapter 2

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Jack's POV

I glanced around the school cafeteria. Teenagers were all busy talking and eating. I didn't see any vampires yet, but today was the perfect place to find them. Lunch was garlic breaded chicken. A vampire wouldn't be able to eat that. They were as good as dead.

I was sitting on a table that had a good view of the lunch line and cafeteria door. Merida and Hiccup were both sitting nearby. Hiccup was watching the door with me, but Merida was busy eating the chicken.

A group of teenagers walked into the cafeteria. Most of them had brought lunch from home, but one girl didn't. She had platinum blond hair. The group sat in a table far from any of the windows.

"I'll go check them out. You watch for any more suspicious activity," I told Hiccup. He nodded, and I left my food and sat at the table with the platinum blond girl. They all looked up when I sat down. For a moment I was breathless. The platinum blond haired girl was gorgeous. How could she be that pretty? How was it possible?

Snap out of it Jack!

"Hey! I'm Jack. What are your guys' names?" I asked casually. They glanced at each other. I counted five in all.

"I'm Elsa. This is my sister Anna, and my friends Eugene, Kristoff, and Rapunzel," the suspect said.

"Nice to meet you all," I said. I could worry about the rest of the group later, but I had to find out first if Elsa was a vampire. Before she found out I was a werewolf and killed me.

"I already finished my lunch. Want to go outside?" I asked Elsa. She hesitated.

"I don't know... I sort of have an allergy to pollen..." She said hesitantly.

"Don't worry, you'll be fine. Come on," I said while holding out a hand. She hesitated again, and then stood up and followed me. Doesn't eat garlic: check. Doesn't want to go outside: check. Now if I could just get her in the sunlight, I would be able to find out if she really was a vampire or not.

We went out to the side of the school. The parking lot was also here, as well as some kids that were hanging out. I stepped into the sun and onto the parking lot, and then turned to see if she was following me. She wasn't.

"You coming?" I asked.

"Where are we going?" She asked.

"Over there," I said while pointing towards an apple tree.

"I'd rather stay here," She said. She didn't want to go in the sun. She had to be a vampire. It was time to take her out. I took a step forward, and suddenly some guy tripped me. I landed face first on the hot pavement of the parking lot.

"Watch where you're going whitey!" A voice said. I was about to sit up and shout an angry reply when the car next to me started backing out of the parking spot. They were on a direct collision course with me. This was going to hurt. A lot. I closed my eyes and braced for the crunching pain, when suddenly hands grabbed me and yanked me out of the way. I opened my eyes.

I was in the shade, lying on the ground near Elsa. She was facing away from me. I looked back at the parking lot. The car kept backing out as if nothing had happened. There was no way Elsa could have saved me in time if she was mortal. That settled it. She was a vampire. But why did she save me? Pitch had said that the vampires wanted to transform all of the mortals and kill them. This didn't make any sense.

"Why did you save me?" I asked. She still didn't look at me.

"Why wouldn't I?" She asked.

"You're a vampire. The alpha said that the vampires were going to kill all of the mortals," I said.

"You're a werewolf?" She asked. She still wasn't facing me.

"Yeah. Jack the werewolf at your service," I said while standing up.

"Aren't you going to kill me?" Elsa asked.

"I was. But now I'm not. You're not as bad as I thought you were. And besides, you just saved my life. If I killed you I would sort of be a hypocrite," I joked. She didn't respond. That's when I remembered that she had gone into the sunlight to save me. Vampires couldn't go into the sunlight! How could I have forgotten?

"Are you ok? The sunlight-" I started to say, but she cut me off.

"I'll be fine."

"Here, let me see," I said. I walked around her so that I was in front of her. Her skin was slightly red, as if she had gotten a sunburn. Well, technically, in a way, she did get a sunburn. I reached for her hand, but she jerked it away.

"I said I'll be fine," she snapped.

"Are the rest of your friends vampires too?" I asked.

"Yeah," she said.

"Are they like you?" I asked.

"Pretty much. Mother Gothel told us that you had come to take over the town and drive us out. She said you would kill us if you could," Elsa said.

"Well, that's not entirely true. Our alpha, Pitch Black, told us that you had come to take over the town and kill all the mortals. He told us you would kill us if you could," I explained.

"That's not entirely true either," Elsa said. The bell rang, signaling the end of lunch.

"I guess we should get going. Unless we wanted our cover blown..." I said.

"Of course not. I'll try to get my friends not to kill you guys. And I'll try to get Mother Gothel to learn the truth about you," Elsa said.

"I'll do the same. I'll try to figure out why Pitch said what he did," I promised. Elsa turned and hurried into the building, and I followed.

I had just met a vampire. And I was in love with her. Of course, the love wouldn't go anywhere. For that to happen, I would have to find my mate. And I was pretty sure Elsa, a vampire, wasn't it. But wouldn't it be wonderful if she was?

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