The Complication?

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Rogue's P.O.V.

Sting has been acting odd lately Rogue thought. But he won't tell me what's wrong. I hope he's okay. I hope he isn't sick or something. I think as I continue to walk to the guild deep in thought when out of nowhere I hear someone calling my name. I turn around to see Natsu. Natsu, the guy I have been crushing on for 2 months now. About a month after joining Fairy Tail I started having feelings for him.

Natsu runs up to me and says,"Hey Rogue. I have been trying to catch up to you for 3 blocks now. I need to ask you something."

I turn and look at him and ask,"What do you need Natsu?" I ask smiling at him.

"Gajeel, Wendy, Laxus, and I were thinking of making a new team. It will become the strongest one in the guild. Besides the point, it's gonna be a dragon-slayer team and we thought we should ask you, Sting, and Cobra if you wanted to be a part of it. I already asked Sting and he said sure. I wanted to ask you next. So do you want to be a part of our team?" I stand there in shock just staring at him. What do I say? What do I say? I think to my self. I start panicking and Natsu seems to notice because he says, "You don't have to answer right away. I'll give you some time to think about it. Tell me later when you've made your decision." As he ran off he mumbled to himself, " Now to go ask Cobra. See you later!"

I stand there watching him run off towards the guild. Damn it! Why didn't I respond? I really wanted to say yes. Being on a team with my crush would be like a dream come true for me. And with the other dragon-slayers all on the same team we could become the best team in the guild and we could be the strongest guild in all of Mongolia. I start walking towards the guild again as Sting runs up behind me.

"Hey Rogue. Have you seen Natsu today?", he asks panting loudly because he is out pf breath.

"Yeah. He just asked if I wanted to join his dragon-slayer team. Why?" I reply to him.

"Well? What did you tell him? Did you say yes?" he asks obviously curious.

"N-no. I haven't told him my decision yet. I didn't know what to say. Besides he said I didn't have to respond right away. I am gonna tell him after lunch."

"Okay. Well you better tell him then. Anyways since we are together...want to walk to the guild with me the rest of the way?" he asks me.

"Sure. Why not? Could be fun." I reply. After I said that we started to walk to the guild.

Time Skip To Lunch:

"Hey Natsu!" I yell at him waving my arms trying to get his attention. He turns toward me and smiles waving as he runs towards me. I feel my cheeks turn a light shade of red as he comes closer.

"Yeah Rogue?" he asks as he nears the table I am sitting at.

"I have the answer to the question you asked me this morning." I say as I try to hide the blush that's slowly creeping across my face.

"Yeah? And what's your answer? And why are you blushing?" he asks me cocking his head to the side curiously. "Are you sick? Do you have a fever or something?"

"Uhh...." I say feeling quite embarrassed.

"Are you embarrassed about something?" he asks as he searches my person with those beautiful black eyes of his.

"It's nothing, but my answer is yes. I will join your dragon-slayers team." as I say that his eyes light up and gives me a big smile. He side hugs me causing me to blush even more.

"Great. I'll go tell Gajeel, Wendy, and Laxus. I still have to ask Cobra but I haven't seen him yet today. Have a good lunch. We will be having our first team meeting tomorrow at 4 o'clock at my apartment. See you there." he said as ran off to tell the others at his table.

Author's Note: So how r u liking the story so far? I rlly like it. If others like it i will continue writing. If not i wont publish the rest of it. I will be doing another update later today. Till next time my kitties. Bye!

Sting x Natsu x Rogue: The love triangle of the centuryWhere stories live. Discover now